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Show I UTAH STATE NEWS H Fourteen persons afflicted with M smallpox nrc now confined In the Iso- H Ifttlon hospital In Snlt I-nko City. M In one day Inst wenk building per- H inlts were Issued for the construction M of twenty-one buildings In Salt )uUo H city. H Thomas E. McKay, superintendent M of the Weber county bcIiooIh, hns ro- H rlgncd Ills ofllco in order to go on n M Tim city council of Ephralm lms de- B elded to purchaso u tract ot land In M th'c north part of tho town to lio used H tit a city park. H W. It. Rose of Denver died In Snlt M IaIio City on Saturday Inst from nn M overdose ot laudanum, tnkon with H FUlrldnl Intent. H Twelve thousand dollars htid been H collected from tho corporation!) liable fl for license tax nt tho close of business M on Saturday of Inst week, fl A citizen of Saiitaqtiln who cola- M limtod on election night by breaking a H number of windows, has been flnod M gift and costs for Ills' fun, M For the theft of n gun which ho H ),nwned and uscil tho money to buy u H meal, 11. H. Smltlr will spend lUtcen M days In tho city Jail nt Ogden. M Gideon A. Glhbs, formerly n deputy H clerk 'In the olllco of tin) county cleric M of Snlt Lnko county, has been Indicted H for failure to account for government fl monleS collected by him. M Joseph Hodges, n 'ranchman living fl near Ogdcn, while caring for n carload M of thoop, hud his foot badly, crushed, M tho trnln backing up suddenly, one of H tbo wtiuels passing over hist foot, M W. D. Drown, an nged retired bust- B nrss man of Salt I.nke City, was M 1 nocked down by a runaway horse on H Main street, being so bndly Injured H thnt denth roaulted two hours later. M Tho new sheath gown made Its tip- M jicnrauco In juiclnl circles In Snlt Lake H City at tho charity ball held lust m vreek, several of Snlt Lnkc'H members M of tho smart bet having adopted tlto 1 now fashion. M Kbon J. Gregory, tho Salt Lnko man M charged with "sweating" gold coins, M lai. been convicted on thrco counts. M Tho penalty for his crlmo Is not more M v than five years for each count nnd a H flnp of $2,000. H An cntvriirlslng thief walked away H with a show-enso which was standing Mg in front of n storo fn Salt Lake, ono Hf' dny ,nHt week, nnd neither tho show EMKy ii iflBT ftr till fHlltllllt I, I 111 lll V7'j'caj "' Jewelrj'i hnvo been recovered. ' Rtevo Mncrovltch was found not H guilty of first degree, tmtrdor for hill- H ing Mlko I'oplch nt Illngham, July 11, H by n Salt Lnko Jury last week. Tho M jury had the caso only thlrty-sovcn 1 minutes beforo returning n verdict. M Thomas Vance, charged with imir- m dcrlng his wlfo, Mary Vance, Decent- H her S, 1007, U. now on trial In Salt H Inko City. It Is charged Vance, bent fl tho woman to death, wiillo ho claims 1 rho took poison with sulcldul Intent. M A proposition Is on foot for tho m building of a homo for tiro Munnfnc- M turers nnd Merchants association of M Halt I.akn City, tho new homo to bo B tired partly as n club house for tho M inembers nnd ah n genornl meeting M A representative of tho Herrln-Hnll- M Marvin Safe company last week pur H rhnsed thirty-three lots In Salt I.akn B City, which would indlrato that tho M (ompnny means business regarding B the establishment of a factory in tho capital city. M After an Illness of less than n week, m Dr. (leorgo V. Perkins, chief burgeon ' for tho Harrlman system of rnllronds 1 fn Ogdcn, and one of tho best known fl jhyslcinus In tlm west, died on tho H IKth. following nn opor.itlon for In- M tivlnal troubles. H Iiobley I). Kvnns. rear admiral U. S. M h.. retired, has forwarded to (lovernor M Cutler a pent little acknowledgement H (.f receipt of embossed copy of thu M pn ernor'H nddross In behnir or tho H itnte of Utah to tho admiral At Ogden M n-vnil months ago. M s tiro result or the wreck of a pus-' 1 render trnln on the Park City branch M of the Hlo (irando railroad, engineer 1 J. Stewnrt wtis bndly injured, belli;; H pinned InBlde the engine nnd scalded. M The flremnu escaped Injury by Jump- M Ing. The engine only left Mk track. H The Jury which one year ago held 1 the fate of Mrs. Annie Ilrndlcy, slayer H of Senator 'rlhiir Ilrown or Utah, In H its hands, met on tlm night of Kovem- H her 18 nt a banquet at Washington, J nnt' sent n telegram of congratulation J to Mrs. Ilrndley, who' Is now In Snlt H like city. H Tho Ogden chamber of commerce H lmf. placed Itself on record ns favor- M ing tho conetructlnn ot tho municipal H llphtlng plant, mid expressed Itsolf nH J Lolng in favor of immcdlato nctlon on H this line being taken nnd utilizing tho J '.vnter property owned by tho city ror H that purpose. M The contract ror tho whole Isstio of H the $lr.0,000 improvement bomln. Is- 1 sued by tlm city of Ogdon to purchase m tho water system, ns authorized by J tlm special bond election, bevernl H months ago. wai nynrded to K. H. J Ttolllns K- Sons or Boston, Mass., tho H highest bidders. M It Is reported thnt n deal Is now on m foot by which tho Harrlninn roads nro M to tnkn over tho gas plant now con- 1 ducted by the Rio di-nndo Itallrond I comnsny In Ogden. The Hlo (irnndo J owns tire exeluMvo rlsht In this stato J tn manufacture lighting gw by th J PJntsch process. HHBjV k. |