Show Tho President has recently issued nn 'order that marines shall no longer per firm service aboard chip. Tho order was doubtless issued for purposes beneficial ben-eficial to tho nnval nnd marine services of tho country and nft r serious nnd I itelllgent consideration by tho President Presi-dent and thu Navy Dcpnrtmcnt. The o ha3 always been ill feeling between the Biilorsont the marines. This arose a . hundred yearo ago when sailors wero irnj r.s)ed and when marines were taken nb'oad ship to sippress mutines and keep tho snllora in fubjectkn. These condition have long since passed away. Siiior now volunteer nnd insubo dina-t.on dina-t.on is almost unknown. Tho sailor ii very much better treated and is a much superior type of man t his predecessor on tho old sailing vessel. |