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Show The Care of Goldfish. Tho secret of success In caring fot goldfish Is to keep tho woler thoy are In fresh and sweet Their globe should bo emptied nnd lis water lone lo-ne wed as of I en aR every second day. 1.1ft each fish out gently In n glassful of water, empty tho globe, wash It iigaln. Clear, sweet rainwater should bo used, and lis temperature should bo raised to 7G or &0 degrees by warming warm-ing a part of It. Sparkling well water Is too cold for tho fish to thrive In, nnd too pure, for the nnlmalciilao of ralnwnter forms an Important part of tho food of theso fish. They need no other BU8tenonci than a very few bread crumbs sprinkled In their water dally, for overfeeding will kill them very quickly. The Housekeeper. |