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Show hmi CiB' p." u"h',,Kl on.,"e -rttcm1 1 ,h matriculated as .."t o " calcine tl,. UWP ,cll .filter, electlc, ko.Je'"'' on the tub- "L,1:;,;11; Z eclectic. tch ol the.. ,h"m. thorou.h courie. ''b h in. I .h, oilier "1 .ll.erenlo .pplioiioo !;!" .;, eclectic it IBrtui K."1'"' , 'ki.;n " "lo choose, 4MM II '""., ,.,,,. indenenil- ,-'aLrt..'eme.l1e.f.r.he y;2ST.nieliorn ul auller. rt A of S benelical. W-"1 , 1,, luld ..- i 'me. kii in America, the K, II .. th y" eel.br.nn.; mi'li .nnv.r.ary-hav..,f been ?TSl .eaiun.ol.h. comury .re Swieo-lran Mwhieeu lo r lurid.. ?Kn0U to Tex.., .rum New , u Ulan; jet, end even Canada. WKtiedUjl'uri end Iter people llell !ctrJin.l lonewme, md een down. Iwit new. when I lt m bore, "twd T.ir...er-.nd I h.v. not mt,.t.ince leaving home, teen a K ir.iii.ioi.nc.. Bui Cod l. uurtmt; He h. raited up Inend. leloweixJitelkiiui me gleet pleaa-in pleaa-in that my Uacliert, the prufmsorl, Bdmj ItM.w tiuueull have treated atnoili.Mll). bthoul liket up tl 7: jo nil , .very iij .ictpt huniuiy, end tin laet lee-iwt lee-iwt tiotn ai J, 01 U.e t 6 p. m , wall joe beur tod . quarter for dinner; to it iin moily Oe cin llmt Ibe tludent hat Bol much 10 spare lime lor nuniene. 1 be datitnl iltnu at. try tnorouitb, ..id miy lecture commence! wl.b a quia" ce lot luimer, l lic proteuort olteu nine, ni-ne, into mtir ilidactic Icclurel real and K(inal genu ol lllounlit, many ol LkO I tuvc uken d.jn anil copied in llo.lt lor luiuie relerence. Hie auV ictgivcnbyourpreccptora it to work MKtly; to Kelt dmnently lur knowl-tOt; knowl-tOt; u tliua vice; to cultivate good bum; lo ttck touj company and in-count in-count amuterntnu; to be gentlemanly itDiuaKf, anpearance anu demeanor; iwluvetll tin: me ol tubacco and not to drink the lust glass ol lnUor. Many ol my auocialc evince an interest eota the cunvetsaliou it turned on I an and the Murniont. 1 realize, ol dune, trial I am here at . ttudent, but Urn nut alraiu to let an) body kuow utt I am a Moimun, or, ll needl be, to itil uitm the reason w hy I am one. The UfcskKkr .Sawn is kept on tile in Ibe public library, lint city, and t read a e.tn gicat interest, Its bold and tunes tund in lavur ol "Truth and Irbtny'itaoimiaiile; It tnviguralet (he Iwtr ol ngui and impires the hunest in btui to renewed deierinination to He-Mnl He-Mnl ibe cause ol Ood. CHA.L1U L OLtKN. |