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Show UKM hlUAIt l.MililllV. Tha pr bibllltlot are that the pritenl year will wllneta a long ttrlda In ad vauo lu Ibe way of preparatloaa for If not actual atarllng In upon additional addition-al beet auger faotorlea la Ibe Called H alee, for Ibe ooutrol of a market whlob la now tupplltd by Uermany, Fraaoeand olbar oouolrlea. In California Cali-fornia a plan haa been adopted lo make ayttamatlo let la of baett grown lu varloua aeollona of Iba atata, with a view to aacertalnlng the moot aultable looallllae for augar beela and tba farm log dlalrlola with Ike moil ablllad oul-llvalora, oul-llvalora, Ibal naw augar faotorlea may be eonalruoltd to glva opportunity opportun-ity far local pruduoera; and from Nebratka oomaa tba auggeatloa of other worka lo Ibal ttale lo exteod lha builueea of augar manulaotur. In Utah a lively Intertelia alio belug matilfeatad In Hie aubjeol among thote on wbom falla lha duty of oultlvatlug UiebetU. An lllutlrallou cf Ihla It given In the fallowing nolo from the leal litue of tha Lthl Banner; lleata, beoUl Thera la auch a cry to ralta beau turthe faiitory Ihle nmmou that the iuaiiixer, Mr. fuller, berilly knowe whal to du tu ktep gKHl fmdltiift among Hie rai.ora. lie could gut enough heele to run two ramurlee, ami Una fact aluiuld he etMiii;li lo oauee ihoillrtHitore tu think the maltMr urer nf how they vmn onlnigu the caiwolty uf.the factory at euou ua put-alble. put-alble. Tbe beet raltera aud tbalr nelghliora have obtui to reoognlie tbe faol Ibal, al Iba plicae tba factory payt, while there It not a very large prutlt lo Iba cultivator wbo ralaaa beat Ibal oarry a blgb percentage of augar, Ibare la lha certainly of a fair return In caih fur the labor performed. Thta certainty uiakta augar beet growing a aatltfactury butt, neat, eepaclally alnoa a caralul and ax perlenoed grower baa little fear uf hla crop falllog lo noma up lo tee required atandart'; aud at tha lnduttry goea ou Ibla knowledge of bow to ralae I'ood beela la epreaulng among larmere, hence Ibe deaire to whlob Ibe Hanoer mabae reference, I'oderlhe ooallnuauoe of aub a condition we may reaaonably expeol that ere l ng the laebl factory will be ou a llnu batlaaaau Ibvrtlmeut, and may begin to look forward to the ettehllatuuunt ol another tugar factory lu the Blair, perhti In lha vlclnliy of llrlnlitui City, where tbe turroun ting cuuulry la tald to be ailaited for heat railing lu a degree not turpaaaed by any other taction. Utah'a beet augar Indue ly niutt keep pace with that of California aud Nel ruika. |