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Show Tbe membete or the Chamber of ' Comnerce bin done wall, wo think, ' In tht eeliollon ol elllcere for the eniu- , ' ln( year. Hut ao alio did they lael jeer and durlnf prevloue jreere, and ao alto will Ibey probably do nasi yeer and la lalar yeara to coma. On ll.lt oora lhara la nothing la ba oumplelneil it But tba peat and truant blub atandard of oOlcltlt niaj ba nalnlalnad '' and eonllnueil to the otaok ol doom, t end allll will Ilia (Jbeniter of Commerce fall lar abort of lulBlllu( Ha legitimate part lo tba oily' bueln.ei lulvaiice-nent,UDleea lulvaiice-nent,UDleea cordial aatlalanoa, anoour. agemenl and aetual energy on tba part of membere eball be made mora oianl tret I ban baa baan tba oat In tba put. Wa raiard It aa au unfortunate Oman, for Inatanca, Ibal at lha rtotnl raeellDg for tba eleolloq of rfllcere, almott Iwo-tblrda of tba votee oaat abould nave baan proilat; , , and aTan Ibaaa ropreeeutlng not ao muah Iba ntanabara wbo wereabao. I hilar unable to bo praaanl In per eon J an wbo therefore aalaotad felloe?- membera In wbom Ibey bad oonf-' oonf-' . dene to oaattbalr ballot for tbam, at mtmbara wbo oarad lltlla or nolblug about tba altollan and gave Ibalr proiles to anlloltlng Irlende of candl deleft for laolloa wbo aaaed and taourad Ilia rlgbl to oaat additional ballola far Ibalr partloular llokat. Ao luttltutlon earrlad on In I lilt auplna and apatbatlo way eannul aipaot lo ' ' " p rot par, aud baa no particular olalm upon tbat dagra of publla notloa wliloh would olbarwlaa b raadlly ao cordad, Watpaakollha uallar plainly ba rauaaof a tlnoara daalra lo tea Iba Cbambarof Commaroa grow alrong and Inflaanllal, aa It ougkl to ba, In dafaadlag tba olly'a bunnaaa lataratta and plouaarlng naw ,allit for tbalr aatablltbmant and adTanoamant. Tba nnly way Ibla can ba brought abaut la by a naw bliln or a rarltal ol Intoraal on tba part of uambara. Tba offlolala aloua, wan Ibay twloa aa otp. abroaa Ibay ara, oanaot do lltlooa. Krary butiaaaa man In Iba oily tlKuld baooma a manibar, and, bavlug onoa . Jalnad, ba abould ba aa punolual aud aa ragular In attending Ibu a.aatl'jga aa ha lain raaohlug bia tit duk a.d epanlng bla mall of a i&oruiug. In i Ibal way, and tbat way alona, caa Iba ' Inatllutlon tecuma tba laauar and obamploa and wlaa adtlaar In all Uial ptruilna la eomraarolal prograaa aud '' , butlutat aafaty. |