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Show TIIK IKAtRVlAb IRUI II.r, the Morel liiHnt or Ike lelltd BimiM Ulratilv, Nkw Yokk, Keb, 8. A apt del to (ha World Iroiu Lundou tayi: A rt birgraut from Ctpetowu re(urla Mr, Hauitnond't releeae on ball uuuer ttrlot eurvelllaoco. Arrangenieota have been niada for medical aud Jo, a I attondauoa lur lha Amrrlcau mlnluH engluet rand fur auuutela which he may remain until the couclualou of the trial. The company and all tha otbrr authorities hereof tba Transvaal mines profess com pitta Igiorauce regarding the prospaole of their accused am ployes It Is tha btllef bare aoonng tba Huulh African magaates that the moral In Uutnooof tue Uulted Hlatea lu favur ol tba Uetlrtttl reforms In tba Transvaal Trans-vaal tulolug laws, as wall as In behelt of the aueuted. would go much furlhar than thai of Kugiaud. ll Is argued that tba Uulttd rilaitt lie to a Uiroot luierett In promoting the extreme pro ducllun ot gold there, which largely depends 0-nn Ihteo reforms. Tha pnsenl produot on amounts now to about $IO,OUU,ouU annually, butexpeitt Insist tbal with the developaieut ot i!top level ml not tbia will ba doubled. |