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Show A 0OOO OUTLOOK. Wlik Orala Uum and Eat nigh hNte I W.ll Amri There waa oever a better outlook for tha poultry kenpor, anya Toaltry Monthly, Month-ly, drain la very low, and ao low, in faot, that tha like waa hardly ever known before. On the othor hand, tift,a hriuR a Rood priee. It Uaaplendid time to aurt In bu'ineM. Iu m bir and build-Ing build-Ing mataria.a, paint, eta. are low and hit la plenty, ao any man ran pat up a od, aulwtantial hcuhutue at a very reiiMiimble onat Talk alxiut the poultry boniiieu hnina; ovHrdoito, we have never necir any ludi-rattoti ludi-rattoti of It lu thla aoctlon of tlio country. coun-try. There la a atuady. wiit dumand amunic elty people for eg ft uf knowu and indiipotublu fraahneea and qnultty. The mipply la not equal to the demand very often, and thorefure there la au aunt i dunce if room for further anteriirina In tha line of poultry k pin. (Jurod vice to any prunpeutive rmltryman, lo any nun or Women who thluxa of going Into poultry rauiug, would be, vtarl now. Kvurything la fuvurabla. Fine atoi'k onu be oi-tuiued froia breedere uf pun brel fuwle lu abundance and at lowest cab prirea. Uo at tha work in atm-inetullke nuin-ner. nuin-ner. Poat youne)f aud ilud out all you can by reudlng poultry bouka and papera aud, aliova all, by vialtlng ua many priw-tirul priw-tirul pcmltry koepora aa oHiblu. Ulean aw mnuy Idtma ua can be fnund; then carefully aid them. C'aat eaide the elmff and pre-erve the aoond gram, for let it be nuderetond there are alwaya to be found aoraa chaffy Ideaa. Tiio tatt aud miM aeuiible bien baru aume iiinta niou wbieh they are often a "little utT. " Do not, betfiuner, brunch out too largo ly Uie Aral eeaaon. Work pradently ahead, aud a fair maaaure of uccea la well anaured |