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Show THE WEEK'S TRADE. ' ; .,'v Slocks and Bonds Hotlcubly and ' -1 ,. , , PcTorably llicted i ' ' ' lit 1IIE UOVKKStlSIt LOAM. ). .' Wool Hull, Wheat Nieaily, Iro. 1'r.. ; ,, ', '. ducii Ib Better llrmantl aad Ilea- Y '; Vf ' j v J. j oral Unalneia huprovlng. I , j . i Tha lucceaaol lh tovornmant loan ! ' V' j ' hai bean red-ctoJ In lh dock and , '''!'.' bond market ilno lh opening of lha i 1 I . 1 ' bidaon Wednelay. . '"' j k " Tb couniry w. pr.par.tl for an f j , i, iver euueorlptlou to tb loan, bul had '. . j made no calculation on aucta a larg. , . J ' amount. Whn It waa learned that '. ,; ' , , over five hundred million had been '. " . aunacrliied tur,niany ot tha dlaooniagetl oiviatnra In American atonkaaadbo.da i in l.oih etdta of tba Allantlo look i courage and a demand Immediately ' ,, ', j eprung up, for American Invealmenl ' t v ecurlllee, which marvolouely al- i ' 1 v.noed prime. Thli waa not cooflnad i i ' ' to Boy particular ipMlilu, bul tb. ' ' whol. line raipondad, and whll no ' ' .'..) very violent Jump, wore mad, a good, i Heady advanca hia bean etbliar..d which hai baen iharad lu by rallroal and Induatrlal ilocki, and tba waak ' oloaee on a Urm market tor everything which glvaa araurancot reeeoneble '' ' divl.Kodi lo holder. !..- Tu b .rruwing of o much ruony by . ' the government may hot in Hi aud urn '! ' ' ';' .. . of an much good lo the oountry gen . ' eially aa many woulu llae lo bellev. ' . ) , .; It I a good deal like taking allmulaal v lu beep up tna Working lorcee of tba I ,'' body, vary axhllarallug whan Dial lu ' ,."' uiuou but the ailuiulua gaiuid laat tb - eiienie ol the future. When lua lima cornea lor redrmplloa of thee '! ' '' , "i n. lin.ee lo pay," or lu inlereat lis ; ': , ' ; i , ' to b piovliied for.natural rvactlon r. ' . '. t : likely tocume. But IBen our reaourcea '' . i. igrlnd lh bop lu lh tutur ' ' of our country la ao pronounced Ibal II ', , , , would ba lolly lo look al the dark aid ' ' of the picture, while a brighter one I ; temi nrailiy turned toward u with an . s. It luvltliig li.eciral.oo. , , ' Wool haa lieeii dull during lh week I ' and rather uiaappolnltag to bolder. ' , ' Ihe maiket lacka the vl.u and "eeap" ' .' . ; of a lew weeko age, though Boa ton noiea a firmer demand aud aleadler 'J ' . j ' tnaik.t lor om g ranee needed by ii ' . ' : ' woreied giH.da uenufaclurera, and , e aalea bava been lerger tor domeatlo '.; a ' woola una week than laat; bul iha oon- 1 y '. . tinued alow demaod for uiauufaotured : i . woolen goode all over lha country ;! . ,' U V- make inanula. turera proceed wlih ',; ' i . ' j grt oaunou lo picking up their auck i ': .-, . ' aud Ibey ara In a poeiilen often tu ..''. .. 1 '. -f fores conoeealona Irom boldera wbe ', i- wanl lo realiia on Ibeir holdinga. ', . V, Wheat baa malnlalneal Iheadvanoa ; , ) noted lor aevaral week paal without . i ahowlug a diBMoslllva to go maoh : ' higher, aud ll would appear ibal tbo : . ". ';',, Intereated in lb late advanca bava ' ' uaed all tba faola favorabla lo Ihelr .; aid lhat bava been avallabla. Tha 1 . i Argeutiuecrop haa been alaeeedall lha . '. . 'i way irom "lar below an average" lo t. "very poor" and aven "bad," bul lha , n ful tbal Argeullublppra bv keen s .S a rather Ire eellete lel.ly Id lb Eug- 1 . , ' .-; v 1 liah markvt for April and May da- ' t.t .V.:t llverlea would InJIoale ibal there may ' V be lonia manlpulaiioa la Ibe blud of 1 uewa Ibe trader bava bad ear eat up ' . . j lo tneo Irequenlly of late, aud while ' ' r '. America bolda a ilroug poalllon , i' wheal with Ib llbrl dlivrla;inlb ' ' uorlbweet aad uo abnormal demaod ' 1 from Kurop w look lor soma ra ,V ' 'J action from preeenl pnoea, bul w do ' '. not eiiolloMlb low prloea ef lh eeily pert ot luo repealed tbla aide ol our oext harveet. Iron proouola have bean a little mor active thla week with aa luoreaeed demand lor ileal rail! and other mauu t lectured goode, though no klgUr ' i I prlc hava beau eatabilehed. Ueueral buatneei haa Improved a 1 ' ' ' little In aome atx lloni. Tbla appllea ' j tu III Weal Bud UorthWeel. Uauk 1 oiMBrln ara allgbtly vr laalyaar, l and Hail Lake C ity ehowi a gala ol 14 ,1 per oeut, wtiloh ia quit uoourglng 1 vliia eomparlion 1 md with lb wink ouuulry and would ladloale thai w are mi tbe up grade oommer. i dally. Failure In lh Uullad Hlatea hava been rather mere ouuieroui Ibau ' T a year age but a grt uiuy of tbBB have been email, auu while bualnea may hul be all that eoud be gealred, tuera Baoma lo ba bo oaua furalam ' tor lua future. ( . |