Show III 11 I JI i Jensens Travels ti f unn Ho In I On Sunday April > 6iU iM we held I Priesthood meeting At the > Bellevue I i lloiur Sydney hcre most 01 the I Elders Acre lodging and lVene ly arrived ar-rived llders were assigned to their I several protlnces agreeable lathe Instructions In-structions given them at the lienqmrl 1 I era of the Church Elders 1 Peterson Kltkham and retmon go to New I I t Zealand l to receive their further appoint I I t i a ment from thepre < l < ent cf lliemlMlon f 4 Fitters Orme and IlimiJ RO to Tao mania to fill up the vacancies canard by t I the returning of Ciders I EIII I and Iond Elder Cart roes to Victorlilo lilioras 1 1 I a companion lo Brother o Stephen t wn and Iliolher Ilanilllon proceeds Queensland to waist the three Elders already in that field or to fill the ftp Instanced by Eider Dodily I living left lor I his home In 7lon In the evening we held n public meeting in a rented hall In i I I I Ale amri where Elder I Pond and my 1 i t I I I selfspoke to an appreciative audience I ol Saints and strangers under the influence I in-fluence ol the Koodtplrlt which Rave utterance to God servants No lets i I than se enteen Elders and one tiller I from Zion were present they I formed a 1 I suggestive and interesting I icnlclicto at l Die head oflhe hall while Iheauililoilum was well filled with I attentive I listeners I i On the following day I rendered the i J brethren tome assistance In their irrrajc I meats for tr nsporal I o r e and ohUlned a 1 t concession of 10 per cent reduction from j 8i n1 nrten the Orient steamship company In the I It fire of our Elders who hereafter may I I desire lo return home by way of I Jape 1 The presentation uf their miiiioniiry i 1 license signed by Ih11I11 I presidency it I I all that It necessary In securing the le r II I ductlon i t I On Friday May lit the steamship I I Warrlmoo oiled I from Sydney for I r Vancouver British Columbia with thirty I f 1 10 Latter day Saints on board This I Included the thirty souls already men II t if Honed ai passenger on the Anglian r dA fl l r t from Auckland to Sydney and In addition i ad-dition to them Elder Gorge W Lewis II i l 1 r nnd a Brother llrooktb who It riot I I riling to t Jen Ironi the 1 I arrow branch f n I Victoria Australia In saying I rood I bye to our brellircn and the departing t halnls thine ol ui who remained behind I 1 felt a peculiar neniallon around the region d 1 the hears and a sort ot i feminine moisture obstructing the usual J function afoot visionary organs notwithstanding not-withstanding our bell elloru lo make it f otherwise And a > a parting word to Ii our fellowlaborer In connection with I our heartfelt God bleu sots wa re I t quelled them lo remember us to our i I friends int the I land I ot lt the lnlsand i that I when their ayes should gale once more I iti it upon the Ina title height and IlIo dad I i peaks ol tile mountains of Utah to give three cheers In belrill ol Utahs iatrioli sons who are laboring < minuter of I j III I1 the Gospel In foicign lands j Alter the departure of the company fofi 1 for Zlon and moil of the newly uriived i 1 I i 1 t Elders lor their respective fields ol labor Klilcr RofT And myrell turned our special attention lo historical labors tut ns non ul the iitil ecorilt were on hind wcrnutit iKninpliih rnly a very little In tills ilitcciiun I was much more uc cofid nlnj Inlormillon if A lion erne character ol New South Vales nid Australia and ohtaind from some colonial aflirlah nml others some excellent excel-lent books and maps 10 old l In willing something about the condition and resource re-source ol the country Auilraht lithe 1 largest land l 1 In the world l if It li I proper to clan It as an Island It 14 l In ira Try a continent It lies lo the siiithmsi ol Ann between the parallels olIO ° 39 iij Booth lit Hide anti 1 the meridians of lijs and 133 ° 16 nut longitude III greatest length from west lo cast It I about Man rnleaand crMtest width between lore York 01 the north mil Ullnona rromnnlory on the south ii 1971 miles IK coast line Is about 7750 In ltlilhaml Us extent If conipuud at 1941618 squire miles or iStMjd o o acres Some conception of the urea ol Australia may lie better gathered by comparison It Is about twenty six times the tile of Great liillaln nnd Ireland fillecii time the size l ol France 1 about one sloth smaller than the whole of the United States of Americaand only about one filth smaller than the continent of Europe The northern shores ot Australia ate wed by the waters of Torres Strait wllch separate It troll New Guinea toe gulf ot Carpentaria aJe1 r otl ir the Arafura Sea anti the Indian Ocean It U I bounded on the south by Hats Strait which divides il from Taimanla and by Hie South antic Ocean on the cist by the South Iai Me Ocean and u i lheweit by the Indian Call A lair Idea 01 Australia and the location of Us several colonies may withered by considering f It at divided I gi three pan namely cstcrn Central dud IIMCMI The Western put consuls entirely ol Western Australia ha Central or Sash Australia nnd Its allied Northern Ter theory the lUitimof the truce colonies nf Queensland New South Wales An1 I Victoria Western Australia occupying the whole ol the western portion ol the continent It surrounded Its northern western and southern side by the sea lit eastern boindiy being the colony ol South Australia and the Northern Territory Ter-ritory Us capital city Is I Perth To the eastward ol us cit Austria and strap Ing from ocean to ocean occupying the whole of the central et portion ol the r cot uncut the colony ol Sjuth AusiralU the northern tart ut which I known as rrli rr li rr t1 t 3 nll the Northern Territory Adelaide is lire capital file principal I > town of the Northern Territory > Ialniorston To the eastward of me Northern territory nnd South Australia lies the cola 9Y of UJccnsbnd which embraces the nurlh tastern parties ol the Australian conti ncnl rnl llrlsbane U the capital of Jucenl laud South ol UJeuisianil anu east of South Australia h I New South Wale the mother colony cf Auilralla Sydney It the capital Ocupjiinf the most southerly pan of the continent southwest south-west of the New Suth Vales and eastward east-ward ol South Australia li the 010IY ol Victoria The metropolises Ih e city ol MdDourne Ausiralla constits ol on Immense plateau will a narrow neck of land sometimes enln between the edge ol Ih leval d ores and the sea Ino c I I Mi th highest averaging auuul ant Cd above the ocean The wet tide 11 not more than loon feet above the mine the north Is a little higher The south side It either level ullli the ocean or abuts In cliffs upon the sea ranging rr Inl nllr from Sao lo few test in htltht I I he general character ol all the seaward side uf ihe table land II precipiloui but on the ulheast angle of l the comment the lobular I form disippean and there Is n lnndcaW lit r True cluster ol mountains called the Australian Alps whose highest elevation Is a little over fcoo tee The Inland portion ol the table boil I slopes by avery a-very gradual 1 Incline towards a central depression wMch south ard et of the true centre of the continent Thus the Incline Isgrealer and shorter for Ihe alt tide Australia 1 and II Is Outfits lido atom that there exists what may be lrl Tire properly termed t a river system The elevation ol the west side Australia being only half that ol the east or even less and the distance of Ihe central depression de-pression being twice as great there Is I no drainige toward tne Interior Wnat ever water falls from the clons collects col-lects I In marshes which are generally sail The 1 soil on that stile consists generally of disintegrated granite rocks and Is sterile and dry lormlng I little I better than a sandy desert AH the tableland I It more or less Interrupted with ranges of mountain which however ara not sufhcienlly high Series clan to a liver system Lade of the five Australian colonies have their own governments loral laws and final duties They all enjoy what llntisher terms responsible government 7lie form or government it a mod Pica lion ol the llritlih constitution the queen being represented by the governor who Is appointed by the crown lire Home of Lords by the Leg Illative Council nominated or elected and the House of Commons by the Ieglilalive Assembly elected by the people The Impcrhl laws are In force unless tuoerceded by local enactment and ah acts passed by the local Uglila I Vf t lures must receive the queens assent prior to their becoming lawn law-n climate of Australia taken as a whole I is healthy and generally very dry and free from maLirla It It 1 however subject In summer to hot wl ode anti periodical droughts nnd In winter to heavy rains lha seasons are reverse to those In Europe or North America December being midsummer and June mhl inter The staple productions nl Australia are gold silver coppcrlln and other metals wool and other pastorlil produclssug 1 grain do meat Wool Is the 1 general 1 and great staple of Australia and forms Its largest cipcms Irom I allay to 1990 I 9i9iog7ojpound e porledollh tun Value ol x8iVJA > For the oar ityi the loal IXPUIII were nearl > tkxj million pounds valued at iBjiMJ > FLr I the growth ol wool ct cictiuiu quality this Australian pastures are unrivaled It Is LO wonder that the shctpmen of Ihe United sialci of America cannot sue cesifully compete with the Australian wool grower without protection At II rough estimate Australia has no dirierent kinds ol hat particular Utility ul anlnuLi knowna nano ills ol wnlch the kangaroo and the opossum ardllio beat knoKit vatlttles others be lug the viuibat and native bar There am also twenty lour varieties < l ol bat one wild dog lundy called Ihe dingo or rrgI thirty specials oC rat or Juice aid a number of scalp dugongs und whales which Inhabiting the ocean are not restricted lo Australia The mnu rial animals which are now extinct in almost every o hr p nrft world are considered liyiioi 1110 t be the aide t mammals of 11 > world known Fossil I remains prove I1 at their prude censors in ages pasti1 lu l enormous site rivaling that aim A of the rhinoceros rhinoc-eros It has been es utd the I there are upwnrds of 6o diligent I species of birds rjn Australia I the Ingest being 41 the emu or Australian mild and the smallest small-est the wren 1cculir to file country are the black son the honey sucker the I lire bird tile r I anti turkey amt others Snakes are very numerous and though not of large air are very venomous veno-mous In character Still af upwards of sIxlydifTeretit specie About Midiffr cot Ipedes 01 hurd has c aleK < ly been enumerated In the rut ol Northern Queensland and other parts of North Australia r crocodiler totally ca led all Ind gators have been found There are about i < mu miles of railways rail-ways In operation ill Australia and about ooooo miles ol el < anr telegraph There Is an unbroken iulmy ylem penetrating Ihe const rountrv all teens I And New South Val Viriuin and South Australia and I r nr i i lines leadIng lead-Ing oil In All dlrectio some ol them penetrating lar Into In i > nor here are In the Au Lilian colonies about thousand < 1 n w ttl I < > < < Including ma sting and small ci KH publications I In Melbourne and sub noi alone about one hundred and Illy periodicals arc published There Is no state churl In Auitralla tliQUfhas In nnilanil the I Episcopalians Ib rJ f j are the di > mln mi body as regard numbers num-bers Next In point ol Influence and number come file Knninn Catholics allowed al-lowed by llailiis Congregationalists t Lutherans Sdtntlon limy and Jews The few Latter dsy Sainu in the Colonies are classed In the coloin d vt ir books among other smaller t < anon bodies Including n large nunarr ol Mohan mctani Confucians JrI pagans I A good school system exists In nil Ihe colonies On December jut m a liapoculj lion ol Australia I according to official consul as 311109 Ol lhe < e New South Vales hall I im 370 Victora 1174011 Queensland 431iw South IV m 11 Australia 341978 Western Aiittralia 65 064 and riorinern trrltury belongIng belong-Ing to South Australia 4 iW The aboriginal Inhauiunis of Austin Ito belong lo what u teemed the ithloplc which Is I the lovtcst family of she 1 human race They are ranked by etlinologlils I In the Papuan or Austral r negro scale but forming special is p 1 and are bilieved by come to t be the remnant ol an ancient and peculiar race No satisfactory estimate has been formed of r their number but 1hra are at least 6ocoo cf Hum left At the time of the hrslsettlement by whirs In Australia they numbered about < ujo according to the best corj clurrs I nose people In their native state have lo nxeJ hats Italian In ue summer time they live almost entirely In the open air and hi the more inclement weather In lurk huts II hl r ol the limp sot construction Their Im plemenls are ot wood stone or the I uoncs ol animals or fan their rehg i Iou and Intellectual condition It apparently appar-ently of the lowest kind and It u be lIvd that they resort to cannibalism under except nal circumstances They are occasionally employed by the settlers set-tlers In Unlit kinds ol work and u horse breakers but they dislike continuous occupation and soon give it up They are also engaged by the police occasionally r l trtnlnalI I ally In tracKiug criminal i In the bush I lor which they nave gmt aptitude The physical cl racleiutics ut the iollvM have been generally described by a prominent wIt r o + follows The men are tall and sell formed having broad forehrx wide mouths small piercing J eyes peered noses illicit black hair deep client their lower limas being thin and illdeveloped as compared will those ol average Europeans They are remarkable for the beauty and strength ol their teeth the boldness of their car tlage and for the comparative smallness of their hands and feet Although perfectly per-fectly black they are different appear ancc from file natives ol Africa wanting the wooly hair and the great ckncni of lips for which the latter Is noted The women ore smaller than the men In appearance ap-pearance curse looking and will I Ironies not to well I developed i they are very much abused and Illtreated by their male peers s s s The na lives weapons consist chiefly of spar shields boomerangs wooden axes and naddln or clubs The lloUny Hay n i lives had bows and arrows In ionic pans of ihe country the spears me pointed with Hint or stone heads and I barbs l and the natives In some places use flint knives and lion hatches or tomahavks s 0 0 On tho seashore sea-shore canoe made ol bark ore commonly com-monly used lor fulling a s 0 The natives ol North IJJienilanJ are fierce and blocdthliity uul In the neighborhood neighbor-hood ol the 1aI ncr river And I loJgckm son DUgincs and lutlher north base sacrificed many lives particularly of the Chinese III pliyjiijuc they far surpass the aborigines ol the south though In Intelligence elute Is I little to choose between be-tween them the Australian blacks occu tying probably the lowest posllion of the umon family The original Inhabitant of New elan1 are a different class of beings altogether they ere intelligent apt lo learn and imitate and have great natural power if perception Since my arrival In Auilralla I have seen only one native and he was sitting with crossed legs on the whirl at Sydney busily engaged at tome handiwork pe collar lo nli rice Most of tl e natives live far In tin Interior ol the country t Ir orUfta and only I a low reside near the thickly populated cities or lawn T he precise period ofJlN discovery of Australia is doubtful Old French I man sea e rIp t charts beating I dates 1531 and 1M It have masked i on them an extensive country to the southward of Ihe Moluc ca under the name of Ave li I Grande Great Java which agrees nearer with the position and extent of Terra Aut trails than with any other land but the Dutch are credited with making known what had been kepi I se ever by the Spanish t gf Ioreomtner left and Porlujcie probably for commercial I commer-cial purposes The Dutch visited thor north coast ol Australia In 1616 other 1 explorations I followed and In 1 1tti2a the southwestern extremity ol the continent was discovered by the capliln of a Dutch shin and by him named Cape r shirt IIiM rrn et irf Lccuttln 1 Lioness after his vessel The south coast was sash afterwards ex plorcd In 1064 the continent was named New Holland by the Dutch iov crnmcnl In 1770 Captain 1 James Cook flm fl en 1 the renowned Hellish navigator explored ex-plored the eastern coast of Australia and took formal I possession I by hoLstlng the llrliis fat In 1788 ihe first settlement settle-ment In Australia was formed llolany Ikiy In what 1s now New South 1 Writes In 1815 Queensland under Ihe name of Morctoti nay was settled at a portion of New South Wales being raised Into a separate colony In 1859 the Swan River settlement the hut real nettle men In Western Australia was formed in 1919 In 1851 It became a penal settle men and continued until I86S when transportation ot criminals ceased Vic torts originally known ns Port Phillip and arming part or Nrw South Walcii I was first permanently colonlied ISjl and in 18Jr the colony was separated horn Its parent New South Wale 1 South Ausiralii was colon sd by eml grants Ircm Great llrllaln In I I3j6 was made a crown colony soon afterward and continued thus until quite recently when it was given responsible govern men ANBUFW Jimox MEI notiRVC Victoria Australia May sill iA 1v5The |