Show h I II r aart 01 h III u h Btder Alfred Self whnse mlsilon addrcM It Lebanon Marion count Kentucky writes ni follows to a friend InthUdlyi It givM ire much pleaiure to be able j to icctlve letters from kind friends at home One hardly rtullie lh extent of such pleaiure until they are placed in a uilwloivarys pmlUon Ihemnlves This slatu Is I much belter as far as health In I concerned than many other itales ul the Sjouth We lave some very talr weather down here but nothing like Hut en i loved by the people of Utah The genera gen-era Industries l ol I this stale are thoiia ol agriculture men ai the cultivation ol corn potatoes tobacco nnd a number of other voitlable most ol whicli people of Utah also raise Notwlth standing this however lucre I not tut name lite to the vegetables railed hi re that we are compelled to nolle In the Utah egcttt les I his I take It 11 It > the fact that tlm almoiphcre Is I to vrrj dense there i eomlo be no life 0 nI IU cOllducl 10 rolll lln II lei tolle 11111 hlh I UNMd 10 be CIVII 10 lhe Iablee and Ihl h a landency 10 revenl lbe growili of some vegetables that In our mountain home can be found in such great uundanc The water in thU part of the stat < Is I not very good Now and then we will come In contact with some that li good bulnr lIa a bole thue If I really nojruod water to be had There are a great many distilleries In this state and tlm stems lo haie been the cause ol so much rorn leing raised tlm Intact causes a demand lor the corn but just a few days no iben WAS an act passed by the Mate legislature prohibiting I the still r I Ing of whhkey o that this has cauwl = lr nli g a treat reduction In Ihe price 1 ol corn to Ihe farmers who were usually I paid Jo rhe ror M cenu a bushel lor It I but I now since thit act baa been pctsetl Ihe price has comedown ellflce down to 15 cents bushel This country Is a very peculiar one thai I Is compared lre Utah One rajnotwc n great dlitance oil nswe ire permitted lo do at home and gase pon the beaulln of nature but on Ihe contrary One l deprived ot tliti priv lleeejon acciitint of lht many foiests that obstruct his view You cannot travel with jour home atmml in view as we people at home do but on the other hand you are blindfolded as it 1 were until you nun your destination I and lou then you m > y find yoursell surrounded by little knolls and vtry large tree If ever a man lei like singing Home sweet hum it 1 n then Dear brother 1 rejoice In the work of Ihe Ix > rd > nd leel as though 1 have Ills Spirit 1 continually with me and It is my = intention I lo do III will and work lor Ills purposes while lam I here as an am basaadorof His Gospel I lilndlr Teel1 In To I LATONIA Texas Auguit 9th 1896 TotlM Miior Traveling hero In Ihe Texas conference confer-ence mysetl and Kldtr U 1 Overson have been royally treated br the mayor t rtrltt b1 cl the city lion K U farlcs who would like to know what papsrol 1844 It was thai Joseph J Snllbi I declaration of I principles I ol national government were printed I In I or where llioie prlncl i pies could l be found He requests me lo send him a copy of your paper that shall contain this Information Mr Paries It a splrllualUl inquiring Into hl = f ever thing claiming to puuets truth He has Iwen our foremost friend In this city cl lurnlshinK us the coutl house to oreach In and in every way assisting us mutually Mr A II Case probable candldalellor tenator and a man ol wealth and Influence Influ-ence htt also been our Iricnd and hUll rule here We have hcldUo meetings hero wllh very good attendance and have another appointed Wr arc finding inanygoud peotle In thii vlclnlly and hope lo sow some precious I seeds of truth in good toll w here It may spring up and grow Hoping that wo may obtain Ihe tleilreil Information through > uur valuable uper and ever praying for the If fkf I success of the same and Ihe work al tho Lord In I every quarter 1 am your brother In the Gosp1 JUKI H I n TUMI linos U Joseph Smiths view on the policy ampoweisol II Ihe national government ictmud to In I the lorejuinj I Tetter were never primed In a paper nut we know ol Try were published In pamphlet form In the spring ol 1844 and have been published In pamphlets < < several times since IhnHII Nimn I |