Show orr i on Aniuiot L klliiilt lini Iniliaila en Itie hi rul 1 IuNtux AIm 221 Hunt Clung took n ipeclaltralu for Uoulhampton today whin ho cmbirked on loll loot for New Youth AlOelue tel ssiee h ten losuus Aol 14Alhht Ueorge Whlleuuid an Irliupolllloil ptlionvr Woe rcleatoJ Irom 1orlland pilian thli morning Vhllehnad U I nu Ameiicuu clUDD llolore oomlui lo IhliOdunlry haretldedln Now JIY Hu probably prob-ably will mil for lIme VII Hlatti on Monday next WhlteheaJ whuiu rial team I Murphy Send convicted with lr Jamti Uilliclur JobnlUurlUin HI JI iTo and Henry Hammond Wlliou In Imlon Ihll1 YO egon RU l5O tencod to penal lervlluile for life lit reporti from confidential tourcri on lUu other side lo tbu men noiklng for theauiuecly aiioclitlou In tblivouolry lay Whllehead li I menially unbalance In cooiniurucu ol the levere treatment ho bo rnlnd II rrliou |