Show MILSf JUT TIIEIlt CASH Cmnlrtl of Mnr d Protesters rail la Settle Mill IhpirJlaujtuper nuiiirrnrln A large number ol Ills 2SO YO a FIX mm and women who acted ai tuper ob 7 numerarlei In the Rand Spectacular t rroJuctloulbe Carnival of MJtIJ are up In arms against Menti Hhirldan and Talbot the I promoter because forioolb they have net et received their hardeirued ducal When employed Ik raft In the big alllr the men were lo lecelvetl 1 Ir I week suds pin to the teicbwnllo Ibe women were to gel I15J rrr WMk and traniporlatlou Wlieu the bow wit over the acton and iclrenn naturally lurnel their attention la the ilry iiieillou and upon aprdlcitlon lo Ibo promoter they were told in call at I hour J I cost In 1 the Allot I lt I tick yei teldajr and they would receive tbt whlnn wn heir I lull out At the appointed time the Alln bulIJtni I was Invaded by the mighty basic but the cub I did not materialize hit the aboor poipl were fall ta call analn at five la Ibo test Tlili they did also but limy were again I inly ulipolueil I when file fralsassig en natlflid tnem that owlnt to certain illfllnulliii In nliloh they wire In volvtd they You Id not Le able 1 U Ilijul data at that time Lot would do to at Some Indell Itto pirlad by mallif la sell a chcclt for Ibo Some 10 which they wereiullllel To lay that the Show people werj Indignant Is I but meekly npltlilrit the situation and they declare tbat they will haunt Motor Hberldin end Ta 101 1 I by night iiU by iliy until fuel limo I 41 flaist ai tbe I rrqulred caili li lonhc mien Thetialtiir Ileach mol < < mul It In no way ta hime for the prevent status of allln The fact ol lln matter litio Carnival ef MJMJ did not pan tu I ai wai expected In pIng of alleudanct and financial reluli aud now the pronioteri find tbemiclvti badly lu Ibe Well with a boil el rredlloii lo their credit The receipts hove alreaJy Leon attached by the following lartlee and until they are ttd the Isupeallo will have I to held their rllmi In abeyanorl U K Peter HID W nn LOU held by first Utah Littlog to 1111 nit cavalierly tiu ur plating Walker Basic Dry UuoJ C > 119 I for mrrchanJIie aud Ibe Hilt Lik 1llboQUtb1or cjmrjany 130 I fur printing |