Show iltll UIlIIOUIi lUUTD I i j noted evangellit V I Moody Informed an audience tail Hibbalh that he regarded II a proper lime for rellgloui people lo tbli country to pray 1 for Ihe nallou lo hi laved from tin pendloK peril and be had bit whole congregation engage In prayer The Idea I li I a very proper one tbat relllou people ihould pray for Ibo country welfire Tuey ibould do II at 111 timer not neglecting the devotional eiercle tiDlll Ibiy behold a threatening danger Utllverance from evil li uotonly an Individual but a national need and prayer therefor ihould go up from the lira and heirti of rellgloui people la alllboland I It ehould beln lime of peace ai well ai In day of turmoil And oanuectinl with It ihould Lo wok In harmony therewith The man who prayi vehemently for Ibe peace and preierva tlou tit the uitlon and li I lound boutlng with or encouraging dlior deily mini bad teller not pray In Ihe way ludlciled that al lent be might beconililent Hut If all Ibe rellgloui people of thli country were lo pray 1 alwayi and work alwayi 1 for tbo in lion good Ibe future of Ihe Jtepubtlo ould belullof brUhlueiiandjoy |