Show I I B4 ffff SCHOOL BOARD MATTERS I 1 J A lyiiitnl of PrlacipilJ and Teachers I Made List mill I i h mil fallen Fiet1onsior 11 TI go or efa1sh and 1 rialth j t The board education mil lost evening even-ing all roembin present enetit Toronto and Thorns belli of whom raaUeot from the city Principal J aid ttachrn were anlineJ In the various reflects as hillowlt llonnevlllolln II I rbloom Loulie iYrfenuMr f PlUabHh V Frill Mn 1rlMlll Smith Mn Nellie I I or IK It AV Andernon Mind Clark Ilirrlei I lln 1 bill Cora Clark Also U M 1 Mill Olin riiviiNylte erltr a dfird lmNollJ U T dfordHard T W DIM Ito t It siorer Myrllce Ulloe KrenioniW IT IMdlnglleldNarali I i I 1mln Lease Albet Wolf Jele Merrill IliitebHon Uura ll Mry on llrlnton lre lllley Mie V lldmore J herei loilbe Franklin H nllnek D L Me Donald Mine Cram May Car III gill 111CA lllllle Hlrnle Irre Hevenion Ida iuvl > Mry llerkley Maudo Hardy llarbira llolT r Llra rwper Helen Jlolhehildt Nellie llrtmin I G AnIA K Mrlln Ueorte W Look 11aA 10111 AIIJllulnl Chuln flask Franclot ijualiroiiitli Ann Hat lholonew llule lUndolnb I hle llel I AbbleIL IWo Uur lonicr Mltlo Itiiler A lnnllreil I Andirnin Alihea I Hiiflir llten F 1 Uldle Mrgrct award IJIIIn Thompson Allen Her I lon iumlllonIlibelh lntrouRli fry I I Tlioni Ub 11 Arnold Nor Iwln I IKjIlr Ntep or Wlnnlfrcd I ttoodnunno I Iva Lloyd l lvaMiTno Won lllits lltlle ludirer Dorolliy llowiiiaii Irvlntltlntbe 1111141 fast Miry U lloblnwn hmina Young IIMIe I Uw i Pon jarkiouWllllm Bradford Mule 33 llond M Urnes Lung in llwipe Anne 7 110 IMofot Valerla llrln ton Ilirrlet Turner lvelyn Hideout Ito eHKk I liiin r Nwen Nrb I IllettLminaliledoae I Anna Wlcegir Iran Lareell 1 iMiiellorue NinthMelt rojjllip Mary Eager OiulrrhWJ JfcCoyJrniileCtnoy M Crilblow Kate McKenile Ucniilo Pit Cunirld Olive fireballs Mry CaufTMd Carrlo 1111I1010 Ad PrAtt Mry Wot roil Kvelyn llelllv Hlllo Houghton l Lily Hoebellelen HoriMlnnlefpiiauo Jbel Tbotni 11111neoTibno1111 KellerW J PenMx Oilmib Ann I Deals Pastel lltrnor lAim White Jennie Gross Is role I Mn nlDjTIioluM Anlonlette llrewn lleule 11 lAwellfl N McKay My lVr e 111stalseth llb Clarmthoullardelfia Mary IvRrts Alia 1 hall W PITIll I IF see Iklllh Woodmuee Mrr Dyuil flor nice Ulmer Josephine 1kinan Mry lima lllaneho clidwlek luey Van Coll Luia Van Dell nx > ultolf I r Dun Ford rhWHWLltrAlleo Coulthrasto UlUa Itowberry Carrie II HI1Io Ih true fa uno Anne Loods Aol 1IlIn ton rwellihll luey Coike f lionet Mary Alaska Mry Van II lloojibton I rally Iaruer Thirteenth 411losialoaq I I Illlh behool W II Midland A O Clark tila M Duke > llrrlel J Chpinii Alice How A W Hinllli < X M 1 Slob blot A K Buchanan 1 M illlliun r Art ads Yardley Mud Monitor rltullb Nettle rctormn I NUMley I Hy Carrie U Value V II do lotrr D 1 To 1 Itobranlch rlule U Klokei Jmo A l ngtou tollowSlry II Cooper Cell 1011 NalAyoore Grace 1InhnhI 1IIIIIIIIerW W lIorloll LIMA murk I burt lou loullst lrl I II Ilarn11 141621 14 I flitoopord Flots Mln Ilto anins Dili Jennie rlmllb lltlTo McMillan lbni oidinanton Georgia Whoole J Id MAIIollo ITI Kli if ul dod M rThom 1IlInAh MolIII 11111 A i 161111 1 ttawtrh A I Kniipker 01i Kimball Kim-ball Mar MleoaAiiitlo Dunn VII 10101 VI-I o yd tt hinted IteeM lllnolm Hull r Or Phoebe Siholo Hklia llj > uod I F nol J Allen t lla Murnby W lilnKUinU 11 A Toy It itIt flatly fl-atly Nellie Io er4 AlleoHeovlltefNellle Clrabil Mnllio leinpteton Umee Had I 1 ley I Mary I Ilow I ears Urnot Near Knllio rlne Kvoretl to May 110 < dead Hha Oodlx Clara Nhw NIb leariley Mimlo straltAyinAlaink Kcoler Icmi Kiuibnll I Anna Anderion A to Will Its Yl l miltllerliua lowers nra Ihnn 1 Carrie Thorn Mr M A Honry Krto Alley riitw ilitncifAIJ 1 her pilnclioi were aiiltned ti follows 1011J U Crops to HID Ktmrirm icbool at SW monthly Jltrnirl P Howell lo me Twelfth reboj at 180 menthly 11wV H Wtlntir lo ibo Tenth 1010 IAI I f IK and W T IMillnnfldd lo the Ilvmiul ictmoil J1I5 l pr month Mite UricnA Kail wait aprolntcd primary iucivlixiratau annual eilary efl2Ui 1 Ill dol 01 the openng g < < of the clly irhoeli was nXfoJ for Heptember 14h John W Mlnrr wo emplnyed le Client I Illicit for I the two minim be tlmilnr October lit at a unulbly I ary ol 79 70 rILL VAOANC1M Angle Dunn Ida Divlr llmlly lan Hannah McItehU tlatlle Hlrodr Iiulie Wolf I Carrie fl Health W J lilac Edith Wiiudmaone Irace Hlevenun liny CumtnlnR I Helen IbtlicblH to 1anny Affiliating llioiut Mao V lllDiorr Cattle Caitiff Hariiii dillII Miy lirllchlow and llarey V Tliorn were appolntel Ifcbeti nil Vacancies lathe various client CV lld Loery and IJ II Uobranlcb I CFO appolntel ircclal teachers In reach slid Spanish respectively for the IIIb school HlfcOtMANlMUi Ihe commlllee on Imllillcci I and grounds Clifford a resolution provldlnic I tor the Acceptance 01 I P J Monnj bid foriurplylnzthe rluniiierand Franklin Frank-lin school with hot water bitter anJ I onuootloni at a coil ol 19 for etch School Adopted Account amounting to 5510 71 were crueseld raid Thin lucluiire the laymenl 1 to 1 P IIIj Moran of 1000 on the oulnuer icbool contract and 011100 on the Prankllu court contract Triaiurer Ilirnell repoilet that a balance 11689113 WAS Oil hand at 1 the end of July lJllnz that month I which wa begun wlih JlOmjs the recilpti unnuoiol In lvu and the dUturriuinl lo9l I > 7i Monthly Statistics ol Janllon were Hxed < fnlhwi John Allcoik llty nut t 51 CO 1 8 Vllllaui Urabam file Calls SJaOOliS Jsiul le < > Huh inboilClytan l bulldliu 30 U J I 1llon Hub school Richards build III its 1141 AujeumeJ for one week I |