Show i j I GOLD CITY PROSPECT I r tli I A PtrtotuI Visit and loiptclloa ct c tot Place 1 I till I lOIIE itW JltvtLUImltH HIJr4 IIi II-i Ike IVewflt JppMMitt of Until CIII noJ lIne Unlltiik fcr lbs lulniv I 1 The mloet who h I at an backward In i 1 I I the witter ef applying lilthehwe Bominclaluro lo any new place or property within I the nngaol meaning I lidtflelenllii I Iblt braaota ef 1 lilt 1 edO calloa Thus III U Ihsl we often Sled j clletaidreltute of limieM although Ii A ortlene had swept thorn and with eel tneuBh inpnlallon lo man freight hl UD I train In lleavtr county I onceirnv eltd lilly mile through mow which In pleeee 1 woe MX 11 deep to reIch ° rlephanirjlly lu Hlar soloing die hId and came very iiMr Killing pail I It without Hading It out II coi lilnd of a doteu frame houses uel all ol which wet 1 eocupM 1 1 aol a population ol 1 about flfievn rioBe Slut It was a I roaring booming roetiopelli oem Irtted with I Ibe neweit Ihlug I in tint II line yclept liolit lll > iltualed L lween the inouttii ol his Iwo Cit un wowli There am rewona fnr this whleh do not occur to the euiwrflolel IwhoIJtr liuwnver the principal one Wlug 1 tual it li 10 oluee by anJaj nccenlble that a more prrtemliiue slowing li I ntt at pttnent necessary With two great rallroade wliuin an liouti drive and a shoot our line tuirrnlug froru Ibo mettcpelli slit ext ex-t down lo even a linirnr total to that the vlillor can run nut and lu aialn Ihe im day n crest i lice It I hardly lo be luakrd too It II 1 wele ae lu most oilier I > inal ono IntO lo ullmb a iltip 1 ravine wllli the 101W ohlfa sad Inrtesoiisj III dlh tilth I every ilrii Wills jrjut niiniM of tie UBUUtu Isabel uiou lie e > i Lruwi of frowning clilli and only awaiting a hind of cumnun cuninni tumble down with lbs Telocity of I ll lilunoii everj Ihlug Leneatn then wouldUold Cllywllh the adrerllilugll I iiii had be alieaJy eoiuelhlug like lie iiimu Inns couJltlon ol Inclrliul but rapid growth It bust not be lufirreJ Irons tIll ircfitory ilalimenl Ibal there are uo lentil ot luch coniDiencement oou > hintIng the retarding lnllu riceiktu ot Ibal IIU only Lout K miuin ola 1 and tIlt the mow li not dOlI Itthtgit la walk ou bul too heel 1 to walk through oomfartibly > > III a foot In luoit lis0004ile embryo lonu li I do lug wIry well IiiOtoJ It li I illuiltd stout hU a mile due Mil of where once wai the llvily town at Kmtn villr aol < oouUIti two iiruclutei ui tilled to the lume ol houie tin to ur sour frame cablni thOu uiauy lenIn I Wbal llttlu builneu liners I li too I ducted on tbu quiet lisa Ihu ilruo to lee ar sll tins rw ur sillIly an Irur tie wosisho slob at lbs huller Cottonwood luouolI and ste foci oily sullosenh 10 iimiite1 1raVu I i LUI1 drawing exleuilvi I ly I oil a fertile Imagination otis can ire tIlls Iherouglifare not long banco warming warm-ing wOo people slate arriving and dIlIvll ewory hour sonS sod all tlilngi uoowiary to Ihe makeup of the illicit wnterii milling town where 1 tuey hive ilruok It rich lu I lull iteM my Inventive ficulty I li I fair lo middling liardly eiual lo Ills Iierformanni Just uwaeu of > elriUal ti iitlDg Ihtniii livelier cud Idiot I every way than ol they now arc The reituutlou buuui Uiually biglln with I Ibe laying oul of a oetnettry and al boil 0510 oeoupabt Wllli u I lfouted < lyilem In cOurt II wilb Itieti fellow lu rapid luooetelou Ibo ususohotor Ihe Kimbllug ball and the Vetiunjoolko I haiti ol Inituotalltir IncUeul a place whete money li easIly not sonS lightly valued As tIle li1j ol Ibo Oil mau hailt Ilalul going lo liipu Ibli 700111 it lout It boos solo 1 tile 1I04UI elitnenL UNlIn to and dum Mlof the north rru inl sf the dhIOWlIhl ar Ill HUIII ol tile 7uw MIln Milling ooniiaiiy I bad Loon imTlouily luptllm With H lois iron tIns oooipinyt oOloo lu Ihli oIly or Itio Inijieoilou ur llio prapcily would utotMnrlly batn btvu OnIOn what alter lln muuutr In wliloli Jllalc Twain made trie utceut of thy Mullerboru by proxy flicro hn bieu too mulch proxy ruprMeuUlloiiairvady and n lUlotuoiil ol sIll iul lJ I1011 actual cwulict wltu Ihu tuljHl un I ouwrd In I now UniinnJuu Slid nullilu dc 1 will sillily If toOted llit will lhu IIrI IUlluu thIn II or lour hundred hun-dred yardii from ttiu foot uf lIne eminence emi-nence but III l wiry IMP and wiiul with Hie wsII trodden ChOW 1lb > b ru lu photos Wlistos warm nun lud linen l haulIng ou tbem fur eoue hour only to make a cmiufu fioui llin5ory mow lo illinrj mud wat Ir i Irum coOl to ellis llujtnrenur u > wOo IDOD II lid 1101100 fluid loffr lIallho iliUnc uau tools nocoiupiiabvJ iiiu wbeu the IJIIIICltlook 01 wan noliil wu wore u < warm M bough u 1 K vte lIio luldilluof July helur KJIDIIIK Ibis point 1 Ijojertr n uotlco con ipkuoutly pushed warned in to hoop oil llio vrouDdt ai tbli wauil III Ibo prujrani u ratuengtr bvarlUK aloft lb poss ao a sort of lUf of I run fcdfaucud and held a brltf alloy with tbofortiuanlnvhinr Wino iirovvd to ba au old time uoiU lnaiiiu lu Iliu xnoii of Arclilu OlayloD JTIM IbliiK wai soon tellled sod wa worn tlltluu on the Uuuip of the tuuuelrMl InK piewrat < iry to an Iniivctlou vi Iliu I prinilMt The nomnny li not to blame In the lounl fr aJopth Bnd eufuroluu tuoh rteulniioiiii If tbty dlu not they would tw ovtrinu Will calltn and IbD men at work uoull bu Uuvo lUll inora lima 10 tbtm Ibau to lUelr tcuUr builiiM Jlililuuiiiil In about tlgtily foul l Hid d UK > ruii > iy ilwaled tIght all lu uioutb la I au uwn lifl thIrty frt Jeol l Ntllhor 01 llleeo Is I leiuu workcl it irn ul tlin former luluu lutkud up ilaoked up midway ol lie lounth ate u uumbi oct couUlnluK plokvd on bat hadl en eitiactfd and lu till 111510 is l 4WaUlii Dlpmeiii tulle uri a high irJu aud will so furuu dl I > ShIne toward ulmlultluuK lIne coin inmltliated ixpuuio of oouJuclln IpuMtloDt At lue upper cdLn ut Din lolrauce of llio tuuutl it I tio Hi ot Kbrru probably tbo tint II i lik wai itiuok 11111 bulug lbs outcropping 01 tin IIK i Inn i I r n I I K 0 luitu ur coin al It i 1 ill i i > IUI1II re 11111 I nil lIon In winll I II alum luaiBjiulny wldoo oIl toft locO ai tliown by tli olnl trill lilcii It i he uo wu taken am 1 nil width It I 01011111111 l for n diiteuc 0 twin IWn3 i I o wbare It kIosks nIl abiiiptly aid uru In a Mn ten r1 awe y Hud M ice out ot lIt nbc uu rotiucitiu blnc ai eemplew a lie nil ul a rack I the olhar tide of WhIrls In l i hesa bbIowa5t u a twltoli ftoia kind 01 tilIng aim ecouei abeve III dltlicattmi et I juDcllonii llig aauimplele at though Ibe d SIr 7115 iiaudot man luiieid nn f Hie I habuiord baud nb hums re Iii been al wcrk ou II Hie formaiieti in llbor Ice nail apparently U I all rate le I nacbyle and porpllylysOi Hie pay ore hi Mteliy esir4Ced a ptek ball g in moot I BiU n tn all thai li I needed i lal nu trouble In gettingouteevuralieolrnea with mj nuierelkal 1 brought Inok with inn Ami 1 ale ooue dered goonS by tbiiM won shIm In lo w I will If UVIIIVU lIb ann aOlfTH tlilt tbeii rrencl placed llii by a ay human 5501107 cud lUst liiera wu mod of toss ikinii kind let wlnreluey came from IbotvooaJ bond It I In about loo feet and I lieS careful vxanilnidlon i uf II from tart le Hulih Mr Ulayton and lilt 11151100 were lu an mil railed frame of wind Lou 0 01 Int I Ing an hoOf or to beluro uur call broken loiuuad stns10100lSislonI4I vulu 1 or ore Ibu liavmg a lleuu about hoe dxim tail auu wool of norlbanJ oulliboliia nearly at right sighs wllli lli tuunei Sad about lily feet 1111 cally doss Ito mrfjoe 01 the Krouad I lalcontinh 51551 > pMldi iu from Ihl flint asd wllh a 1II0cb 01 550 aiulnalluu aa a vandl Would pnull lroam Mtunetl hit It 1 wta well aedned and cold Bare 110 outorop plug anlIorollI lu Ibori I tat U wai oDe of inota nrllln I to biKbly prlMd Ijriiilneri I he cuss uearlr alwtyii pro oIurll OIlJ flood thso lu ici < ubjr < S illud lead rile r 10510S Idea 05 10 11 aU MinI uIh cu and f nIlaw Iblaleid unremittingly boo WM wallli e I IIr Ihe arrive ol Huuerln lendenl J > tonI before startIng on inch campaign It miy uxteud lu larlatue Hid unuluir blaet iiKy oleie iul Hi intenci 50 005 oln toil jmslr ul IM being alt 10 hollow I It ai tar o boy ulhr lob ooemiuj experlenoe Ulug jiearly ai good ai any oilier Hie milIeu dInt sOd liowdelllll ok Will toll U all and LOtblug also will Thu ginerai I luiprmhu noilved from the Iruieollun li I Hut lbs ontlro glodlOsh loriniuion grldlrunxl I wllli IIIlullal beinuj cells torowu Into tom out if place al a llmu when mother earlli hvl n vloien III of njup or oooielblng ot lust kin I lie nbacltr ot ucU minerall II ai varied a the lithe of tine m running all the way in value Irotn a Jewiharp to K ibouiaud dollira or toots tier lull rueie li I a pareul ledge ir Isody eooiewherr IIullhe word ut a uderfoot for ItII Is I till Ur above sod beyond lily plate now being wilkJ If this varlu sod debrli collinS oil ul 1 a luddnu bu remuved aud leave I tine Vf lui exwe d lo Tlewlbey would loublliei aiturue eomewbil tIlls ap 1 trnuouoo of a huge luiecl with ill ten lsces OtollhwJ III nor dltndlhoo but upward I queiliou Cody inuoli II soy IIIIUUL isnolmomit It UlYOlUplIleOt I auywbiroou thoia bIll would fall to find use or moieot those ollilioota of ICieeter or I In rl liDM aud Iliere Iw I 11100 Who Coons to uavo tikeu Ihl whew abiaj ol me for hi I there is I osrcnohy a foot ol unliiotled groom ulIJwhsh oOllhlll a faillu 01 5510111 ml n Slot Is thole any cold time li tIlt iuritlon moil feuptu waul aniwereit Ibrreli Ininakiug los umiualifl ilalimeut I would liko lu liaw 1 Ii I known Diet I am tolerably fintlllir wts tile itt that nil I tint gllltere Is I i ibI tu uol gold i alto li 1 II bIte duo toil uubillef iiellbvrtrealea unrdHlroyi noytbln 1roMtljr uU lo exceed oue ourlh of 1I 1 all taut li I eihtliltud ai such li the I guuulue article It evcu Ilia propjrliou ihuulJ Ic l anywhere solar ij large Jiild III oumparlton with II Iriilttlgin I Iso tIne Planets among this Died slate Ihe former give Inrlli a etealy UL ohaEulug ruJdy glow while Otto luther Iwlnklelnceiuully I llhai 1 Unn tald list you lucy think y m have guM but wllon you rually luvo yuu kuow II tIlls will do t j lay bul U bw too many fnlluiN ouuueolwl with II loeulille II too 11100 amoug Ihe more 0010001 I nt his apborlirni ol today and vunlluuud limo aud eiperlenve UMK hot aid 110 Ibe lung Irlu There Is looMs mare tile laid Lui IbIs will do hoe a Iorlor IJKAV JAIUII |