Show r Tim SPCRCT OF BUAUTV of the tl 1 rom fI u I u Kanillulr Intlwu uidkilins ttot I Intlio rt liit mn 1 m rolli t I rotund by OUTI aURA SOAP t 7 0a1 hl iri1 rr Dr I Irtc1 Cream Baklnj Powder WeHd 0 I ilr mallet MeoVil 1a4 DIH M I What Ic I More Attractive Tkan a pony tv mih a Irb blht oaipluliiat tn It nu luuonl > 1owlor I i 1 S3LOO DR SlirlMI > JN does not leant illieaM uf the eye hut fin lmvj olcly Ile will r give > ou the In nelit ul lui experience make a complete diacnuili ol your caw and 1 Mipp y a l100 uf eye glaMei I or spec tacln fur 1 5 00 viiept In highly complicated com-plicated cues He will male a careful and thorough < < examination with hU 1 > varluui dentlflc inttrumonti and a like result ubuineil Irom each before a Soul correction U mud thereby making an error in mcaiurrmenl Impowlble II you are wearing Improperly Ailed J Manes I or your eight l flm tlilectlve have them attended boOne It U too 1Ie M l nature will be revenge for any neglect of her bus Kvcrv pair ol glu et art eipedally = llohIe ground lo l suit the peculiarities of each cut anil are guaranteed to give aatlt lactlon The fallowing iBdonenwnU arc avl dene of the doctor aWllly A JW From Salt Late Mf vlliio boa tMioa wooderfnlle I proT4 brtaogloMoolao Ur flilaiorUIBO proMrlbod ilinoib 1000 Ibo world luuu room ol noel Ylewsrl 111 Uocnly rhlle re OIYw work try are It rjr rottful loior eyao UaukUR IIMVOLII Mentor of She roiidiacr Uonaea Cburch I seta wen ilaiMo 1 bolon UKlUxiiin me larfa frorlori MUri uea M tote dnod by 1r tYela111rdY THOMAS WcIMVHt UraMrr dopartiaeal Z C 1011 I bad lor eroo tool4 by Ire profOMloaal eBUnaa imvioe loooi urine ilio 1 oeteieo c Irr BaolailfdiBo wait bw ewer mo b > hr ibo boot oemouoa M iBBerreri eriuju 1 kire 1l 1 otdud JOHN MICIHUMOK I Yrnbwa wa0nre tlaw 1 fat > e yat rd r nil 1100 WIIIt Wale lint 1 011 r04eW ry1lulu o o too aIorrddlne bt wn fiE K r Mho 510ee1 wnll tort kw coo aw 00000 od Imyrwel 1e Ir each M iileuan 1 u auk 101 MMt o u HIWATBK lull 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lurrtn i h L m 1 el I > r tilt r I if rr curdw I > I 1 w II m nit 4 f not i1e one nt t orlwrole r snit I a4 n i ern nr > of LI I I lLO 11 > U Icool I U II iIAVIaalit llty aLWdlr U R K 1 THOMAS A A 9 26 28 30 82 East First South Street Salt Lake City HEAVY SPRING TRADE I PREPARED FOR = = 00 All the New Things in Cotton Fabrics Now on Display New Silks I i i Now Dross Goods I I V4 Mill R NOW HI 100DlIS New Lacos s New Everything Choice Line Zephyr Gingham lOc 12ic and 15c Amoskeog 10 Cent Ginghams for 6i 6 Good Domestic Gingham for Gc Best Prints Merriniacks for fie Good Yard Wide Factory for N Gc Good Yard Wide Bleached for N Gc Good 6c Outing Flannel for N w WI = = = 250 Dozen Boys and Girls Caps Worth from 50c to 100 each Your Choice 25 Cents 260 Dozen Babies Silk Bonnets Worth from 76c to 200 each Three Uniform Prices n r zo ou tend uc Extra Heavy Cheviot Sheating for lOc Best Dress Calicoes for 0 Oic Wide Blue Seersuckers for e Gib Good Toweling 26 Yards for 100 Large Heavy Honey Comb Towels 2 for 25c Z I t n Girls I Come to Us For I Your L WEDDING I = DRESS J i I RJ < 1 Ht H I t TII01lHSQ I r |