Show The II II 1 W IIIII1Kt Tho inuuuliomeul that motto from Dinver to the eReol that ou March Itt H II llaboook general freight ent of lime Itlo Uraudo Wel ru was Into promoted to Ibo poellloa of geneial IreOlo manager of the read treated eonaurprlee In local raPw y olroiM thouch he feellnic wae quite iieneral that Ibo appolntraeHt was well de > Hried The geolltuaa IIM had luuuh I eipetlenm In railroading luilgltiu tuna nil peel bletory In this Hue lie Ii I fuly qualified a cribs luolliou lue reiwrl that W K Halm ol Denver would aueowd Mr ttatnoot was aIao aumewhat unexpected |