Show UOMK2I 1111 UIIlI The people of Ulk probably have m do up tbelr nitudi ou woman out frog aid Ihat favorably slag u baa Ittvu uuiu IIHeJly eudorwj ly uotu of lisa leading pollllotl partlw who Are plodywl to lu adoption lu Ibo Music oiinlllulloH Tha luciwt ll BglUIIng lOll a aumtatr of lbs auto legblature tiowsf svoraI 1 ot lhin bonIng pnoi oiltlon to mud their ooutltullou 110 aa 10 Mlend the lotlvo Irauohl 10 woiu li Eo lu Maid old Mawa cbuulU tb moYtment U I growing apaor 110 i rwnl form being a pro blood sZ1sothooisl la municipal goteri meul List Itso plan way be looted In toot otuaolly beforn being V sussad upon In IK general application lo Ibo atal Aa It well known HeuHor U ofgv F Hoar of Mamruu ell U I an aidant arlvooaUof fouiul ullral g sod hat boss makluK luqulrl ttlatlYv lu I III opvntlou In Colorado lo lreuglln lila argumanu 01 homo In a lutUr out slew dya ago to 1111 lllackwcll uf Hoilou ho oayai I wkod tho o0051uru from Colorado to givo m the roault of 1111 obar allou of liD lato lotlou In thai asia la which Mimitm took purl I aaiul you lbs an aster wbleb I hop oil uur Mnanaobu ou nowrmper will print think Ihu iwoplw ol Maaaaitbiwiln will aoou coiiio lii I so toial eeaao elect 10 uebut 110 iurluoatlou Iou Illen will immi I from lbs l < ollllol notion of womuu uml will not anon ensue without It If 1 we try Iho eupcrluienl ol woman niillraiio III iniinlol > al iiuvornmmii uiul u fall ste nuo as say IIlIIu rrod llth1 ouiy ohulo lu boo ouuitltuiiuu Stat it will oat lall In lha letter lfstrOd to wrilleu liy Hintor Toiler and WolojU 11 manner man-ner In which Ihu I lor idu ladira pn hold fur 1110 elcciliu i Int 1 Nov w lOt > by or 10111 > Iiil 1 o sod Iudyo IIurnlry 11 lb UhiOlIti t aol thu ml1oallO iuilo sisal tluir ptf J Ii co at III prlmarli i nust it Ill 1 Iiik It Ihft slIer fore IOIT ely oJ 11w I br uleYrr AI Ib election lhy won among Ihe early rolen The aenitun allWoman Woman bring lothl e oete nl Ihe right of ouual aurfraie an Intelligence tally < nl to that irfibm lYoter 1 Une of Ibe apparent reaalte ot tbo prnna of bfl women ae participator In political nial Urn I thai pelhloal irltos mnl 00100 1 greater rare than before nn lo Ihe char Inter and alandlug of nomine for ofDce The latenienl Is l lbo mad Ibil there nere no uuphiiMnt remit ap port l ui Ibe lhconwqunc lnYolluir by issue I hot the uideflned fear Ibat Ohs lieilowal of lbs tIght might lead I lo certain cfleulie deni9Dtr then ol what Ie I lrmOlI the ilrang mluddnMof woos bail found n e liHllflct on that they vol d In a far irUr afouortloa than dId the nun nd appanoily foIl they wr pr furmlngn duly rather than txirolalng aptlfllog aod Ibal Ihefe I WM no un utuil drelr OB the part ol the w mu ol Colorado to be candidate fun > 111 jo sod lbs women who were noialuiUid and tloctd tiMlvcd heIr nomlna llom without wlrepullloit In thIn betial 1 Ttse letter ooollnu with the ucl r Uou IbIlb pruc ol women at tu Jail Is I looked upon a an iiodlnulied brewing Hid cloew with upreetlnc the brliet of the writer that II the iiaMlion M lo whether Ib right of luflrain ibould bo betlowedou women ibould be a aabmllled to I lbs Yotera of Uolerado II wool In I carried In the afflnnailY by a far greater majority lima II rclYd a ago thor be I no doubt thai lbs tepee Hntitlun of Ib Colorado Mnatort oomlnit from noii high authority par aonally couYereant with I the worklugi UI lh now ordr CItII lu I Ihe centennial cen-tennial ttttr will be orjr gratlfyiog ha lhOl l autinm adYocite every where hud will altord freli lillterlal 10 proY the fallacy at many argument adYaned by IheoppMltloo They alas will be liHltuoliY lo the people IMieralljr and beIng Introduoed tale MaMiohueetui at an oppoitun lime may lie eipwled lo I produce rU liYcrablv lu I Ohs woman euUrag oaux |