Show UMII mxiuiuxis o An Auatrallan pree bureau the chlel butlun of whlci sees to bo what we Auelcniu mil booming their country auj nd Yorlng to In duos the Intlul of capital and Immigration Immi-gration la I ueYtrtbtlea glvan at llmne to lbs upreaalou of plain thoughti lu pllu toujuoe and ot advice that many ether bldAuiirallan boom might follow with prini If hole In Utah We do lIt have a preM buteiu w at loan hav many people nggd In th urn blue of buelueei ai Ibo aullpodean oullll referred to and to lliew wr lubojlt Ihe following deerl ltuuoihismi who hould not trot Rfnlf feeling linN that If lbs hint herelu had lit cu more closely followed there would not have born au much oumplalnt aid auBeflag In IbIs oily a 0 lh ie haa bean lu tha lel two year Tbe are th pwiplo who abould not emigrate tlioao Who arc afraid lo work and want blob waji e lot poor labor I ThuM who nn unwilling lo louis what In required ot thum lu a new oounlry II Tliono who 1ielor lilly loattng lu Ul town to working lu tbo eulogy thom who pifflend in In larm laborvn yc do not know tbe illrference between u field of wheat nml H Held of Ii4rly lliino who HI ttlwaya looking lu aoiuenneelM 1 lo annlat lbm Inlva of relying upou tlielr own eiuhavore ill OiO MUO ore olwny going to turn I oir a now bear 1 but never do II I bout who want lu get rich without working 1 hoe who bore not loarned a iifeful 1 trado and ace ult wllllng botauuh mo lnoHhoar elraugorn lo bnbiu of mporanie ludua irv and friignthy tliuuo I Hho alwaya look ou lha dark Oils uf oviiryiblnir ilooo who bald mat failure lo KI imiu an old country I 0 tb benl rcooiiiuwuda lion lu a new vue |