Show First IJlbtllct Court lIullulllol Tnl warning the 1lrt dutrlct a Jury wa miuBiieliMIntlmoiiu nl I lie ioupl vi Hani Nivloeu AnltUul U tt Allornuy luuruiaii npiearuj I ir 1110 iwiple and J W N VVhlli ilton lor Ueteuuhiii The defundant I Indloied lur obtaining money underlie under-lie 1 pielcuiui the lolluwlng man or Ou Ilic Till it Ulobur IbVl In t pilnii tlly + UI Pete con illy hoc I ho-c reed with prinunllugauallldivll I UioK II 1 W lUilnay uurupauyi 1 1t 010 l In the ilt 11 t lull tlireu wheat alt r undnorialbaj been burned by OJ aiki Irom Hit railroad jmj auy oui IbM tlwreujMii the railroad mnnanf raid him fhb The proiecullon olalmt that the lire WM wxwluned by the sell of llwdlBdaut while he WM burning Unlible en bU lend lurroundlug the wheat ttoki and otrial Tb gtatol bur reimHed four Indict menu under Uie law ot Iba Teeth ry and that they had lell11 l Ibo rat ol the United HutU a alnn Hn i J Jor genien and Ann M JOlltnn In the nee ol W A lamnel vt I Ilibbloi A Koala pUliitiH motion IDI oonlluUBooa ou the iruunJi ol b log I lluauolally unable to have lili I wltueew In ollon Jmco WM deuMaud till I aollon WM dlainlend without I irejudlce In plalnllU Another action > y IUlnllll agiluit difdBdatti 1 wai did Ihle 1ImUOl 1iaintill ave lor 7oiU damage leeulllu < < from lourli lnlllot by n vlI liu < ilillloii Iliv propvrlr of df nd4iit All tbe little are Horn Knl u BOUOIT In the nawot J II Hnyilr admlr lilrator vi Tbereta Uinloli tt al lul meal fjr tllll60 and ooiU mid 160 Iory ft I |