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Show Madsen Outlines Game -: Bird Season for 1922- Dove Season Will Open September 15 Under j Control of Government OPEN season for ths ahootlna- ef ear-tain ear-tain Kama birds tn L'tah nas been determined try D H. 14 arisen, state rieh and same cottimla. loner, and todap ha leeued a etatement which will (oeern In tlta hunting of three Mrne. Ths order of the commissioners Hi aa follows: "In the roneervatlon of fame It Is saner, sa-ner, Ms I that the habile of all same birds and anlmala be carefully eo nerd ered before be-fore open season for shooting la estab-llehed. estab-llehed. Thla deiiartmeat haa for eome time paet studied the condition of our na-:tlv. na-:tlv. uplnnd same blrda of which wa havs Ifour varieties: Has. hen, pinnated arouse lor nrnlfie chicken, blue arouse or pine ben 'and ruffed arouse, commonly called pbea-laants. pbea-laants. Theae birds, while differing greatly great-ly In Ihrlr habile, are In eome aeasona 'quite almllar In sppearanM and In eome 1 Inetancea. Inhabit In. Mm. territory. Paat I esperlence haa proven that It Is not good l policy to open Ihe season on theae birds 1st different tlmea because of confusion I that la thus created. In many Inetancea I blrda that sr. not included In the. open season are mistaken for birds that may i be lerslly shot, aud eertoue damage bee ircaalted thereby. With this thought tn Imlnd ll Is the purpose of the deportment I to have one open season, which while not sntlrely Beliefs etory as regarda any one spe. te of birds, will be more generally laallafactory If all ths birds sr. taken Into consideration. AOC HCN MAlrl ' The eng. ben neata In comparatively low alliludna and therefore malurva nuwk-er nuwk-er than other varletlea of grouse, and. In the normal aeeaon. theae blrda may be sufficiently developed by August iuib to Justify tsklng them. On the other hsnd. on Auguat 1 there are thousands of young-arouse young-arouse thst sr. not more than two or three week, old. and these birds slvould not b. taken before the middle of September. Sep-tember. The spring of 1!1 kite end aa n result the birds sr. not ss well developed de-veloped this yesr sa would be the case In s aormai season, Ths reports from varl- i t ous eountles In ths ststs Indtosts fnat- even saga hens srs not yet half grows. In view of these facta ths department haa decided that In the Interest of terr conservation of thee, blrda, which In ths end meana the Inter eet of ths snorteniea ' ss well, the moat satisfactory eeaeon for this year will be from Heptember 1 IS. IS, both dates Inclusive. Th. see son will. ; therefore, be declared upon on theae date. In ths following counties! Beaver, uox-elder uox-elder Cache, Carbon. Weber. Summit, Wasatch. lie via. Daggett. I'nltah. Duch- ' eene. Grand, iuab, Han Juan. Sanpete? flute, Wayne, Gel-field, Morgan, Kane, , Iron. Vtah. Washington. Kmery. Miliar d. Rait lak and Tooele, and Sevier. , . SUMMIT COUNTY CLOSSO. ' "In Summit countp sll ths territory north of ths Weber River between that I river and ths Wyoming tins, will remain, (A closed. Rich county will ha closed swing sw-ing to th. fast that during paat years great numbers of sportsmen from -both I'tab and Wyoming have visited thla eec-, tlon and aa a reeult tb. birds have been nearly exterminated, and It will re-iulre.. at least this year to bring them bark; , in sufficient nsmbers to justify h unties 'Tlie strawberry valley, which Includes ths entire Sirs wherry watershed that A: dralna Into ths reservoir and srhtch has . been a gams preserve for s number 'et " yeara, will remain closes! Th. 4am4-e ihlng Is true of ths game pressrv In hUlt ' Lsk. county, which .aUnds from the road". . tn Parley's Canvon to the rldg. on th. -south aide of Big Cotton wood and bi a--' to the head of the waterahed which drains- . into Salt Lake county. Also Cache valley ' game preserve, Kleh Lake game preserve, Dial gam. preserv.. Heaaten game yr-erv yr-erv and l'srowaa gara preeerve will remain re-main closed. - "Ths limit will be sight blrda In poe- session snd not more than tw.lv. biros ' for ths season. Ths as son fur doves opena on September 1 until la, uiueor ' ' lederal reguiauoo." - ", .e |