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Show BERLIN LOSING REPUTATION AS SPOTLESSTOI Change in Appearance Is Striking Feature Since the War; Building Regulations Regula-tions Not Enforced BERLIN. Aur S By A. P.) Bar-lln's Bar-lln's chanvtnff skyline Is on of tha I swyersl but ward manifestations which i ar provokJnf comment by postwar visitors vis-itors who vividly recall th city's prewar pre-war appearancs. both with respect to tho cleanliness of streets and th uniform uni-form heir tv of buildings. This period of transition la having the effect of creating among the capital's capi-tal's Inhabitants a sort of grouch, due to the disheveled conditions of many of the main thoroughfares, and also a species of envy with which the "high falutln tourists are viewed by the native. The natives seem to feel that they are not only being crowded out, ' but obliged to pay more for such lodg- Ings as are available on account of the ! fast'lnatlon which the high offers of foreigners seem to have for Berlin landlords. The prevailing housing shortage also Is reflected In the dearth of office accommodations ac-commodations and the capital's once rigid building lawe prescribing the heights of buildings are now being vet moro liberal inlftrjirsliHon, As a result there la scarcely a street In the central section of the metropolis which Is not cluttered up by clumsy scaffolding or whose sidewalks are not barred to padeatrlana Tha municipality municipal-ity la not oppoalnff appllcatlona for rvermlta for added atorlea on all aorta of bulldlnsa. primarily hecauaa tha remodeling re-modeling proceaa la irlvlnp; needed employment em-ployment to thouaanda of workmen Tha filnctlona of public waate paper contalnera, placed at reejular Interval alonff th main atreeta In prewar daya ara now being uaurped by women and children, who aweep down on acrapaf paper and dlararded newapapera, whfrh later axa aold aa waata paper. ThJa profeealon would have been Impoaalbla In th day when Berlin waa ao Immaculately Im-maculately kept,' aa tha native or atrancer who dared to throw a paper onto tha aldewalk or Into tha atreet would have promptly run Into ona of tha many Tarbotene'" of bymne day. Altogether, Berlin no lonaer I the "apotlea" town that It once waa. de-aplta de-aplta tha fact that tha atreet cleaning department la coating more than I11S llinea Ilia aaui fofweily allowJ in tha municipal bwli |