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Show Calendared " P Social Events The ladlea of St. Patricks pariah will give a lawa party with dancing and card at the Tennl club Wednea- day evening. The affair I In charge of tha Alter aociety. and the commit -te on aeneral arra&geraenta Include Mr. Richard Sexton, lira. Henry Hannifin Han-nifin and Mra. D.'Mahony. Mlaa laa-i laa-i brl Jenklna and Mlsa Lucille Jenkins will be In charge of tha music and Mis Wlnnl Caaaady of the oandy booth. a ie a Alt former resident of Coalville and vicinity ar Invited to the annual Coalville Coal-ville reunion to be held August at the banrf atand at Liberty park la tha aft-eraooa. aft-eraooa. see Mlaa La Vaughn Thurman entertained at a dancing party Friday evening la honor of her cousin. Mis Leaore Mill, who leave aooa for Sea Franclaco fori an extended trip. Twenty guest were bidden and a late supper waa aerved. Employee of the Semloh hotel wore entertained by Mlaa Ella Dewey, August Au-gust 3 at the Wyatt cottage In Emigration Emi-gration canyon. A trip to Plnecreat waa followed by dinner at f he Wyatt """V -.a.'- Mrs. Walter Dmnal CBtorUlnd at a brkis luncheon y tarda, tlx laalaa twin filUd with plarrs sad ivaet pas dccoratlna' tha tab.ca, . Compllmvntlnir; Mrs. Annla lfoora of Kantuia. who la vlnttln Mrs. Arthur CroKford. Mrs. E. Powell ntertalid at a 1 a'clock lunch -ma rrlday at bi homa on Sixth ICait, followpri toy a kcnalnctoa. Tha lunrhaott tabl waa c-ntar4. with red fladioll. atd eovara war laJd for Mr. jUoora, Kxa. Arthur 4 Croxrord. Mra. E. H. JNnith. Mra. W. B. Htafford. Mra. J. G. Warburtoo and Mra. Cora FowelL Tha hoataaa waa aaaiat-ad aaaiat-ad by bar daughter. Mra. A, M. Browa. Mra. J. H. Coomba ' antartalaad at earda at tha ryamba cot t a a at gunny Brook ranch located oa tha L'ppar Pro v Wadneadajr ataraooru Tha to) tow. Uitf ifuvdua t.r proant: Mra. Moroai (Continued oa foliowing page.) Calendared Social Events (Continue) from pratwdinc Pae ) Helner. Mr.. Joaeph Horrocks. Mra Fir hard lolnmon. Mrs lmvld Cameron. Mra A. P. Rlmmona Mlas La Hue summons, sum-mons, Vlaa Owen Blmmona. Adrian MIm-n-nns. Mlaa leah Solomon, Mlaa Dorothg Cameron, W.ndrll Coombs. ... Mra I X Ketchum .ntertalned at t plcnle party at Llkerty park Thuraday In honor of her mother. Mra Katharine sunder, of Topeka. Kana After lunch tha afteraooa was apent at cards. Th. aria, waa was by Mra H. ft. Smith. Th. (uast. w.r. Mra Th.ma. Car. tody. Mra Claud Nofalnger. Mra Tvatl-ter Tvatl-ter Kr.ha Mra. Bud Tanner. Mra W. 2 rt,mr."'. Mr?- Lur Robla. aad Mra. H a Wmlth. |