Show News News of the Music World There Thoro wilt w bo a t. t song Jlong service at the L I. L. L D. D S. S hospital b by tho pupils of ot Hugh W V. Dou Dougall all Sunday Sunda morning January 17 at 10 The follow following ni program will 1 willbe b be he heard Baritone solo and quartette Mr r. r Lon Len Halsett and Miss Edna Evans Miss Mis UM Elma Young Youns Mr Ir Ross ROES Beatie Father of or Light Licht Adams Miss Margaret l s. DI Duet DIt t Misses 1 Ivy and Edna Evans E Christians tI n A Awake Miss Poulton Song of or tho the Sea flea Shell u. u Elliott Mr Jack Duet Forever Duet With th tho Lord Gounod Miss Ireno Irene Kell I Kelly Mr Ir Hugh Dougall Rock nock of Ages Johnson Miss Elma Young oung O 0 Star Stan Resplendent nt Cadman Mr Ir Frank Platt Quartette S I Rha Rehearsals are beIng belne held weekly trl until the production of ot Elijah by the Salt Lake Lako Choral society which meets to tonight tonight tonight to- to night for work at S 8 o'clock at Christen Christen- sens sen's hall hall hail Carrie Carrl Jacobs Bond tho the composer of ot otson son songs will appear at the Ladles' Ladles LIt Literary clubhouse tho the evening of ot tho the 1st in a 8 recital of her own compositions as al follows follows fol tol- fol- fol lows I Little Stories in V Verea Versea Verse Vere reto re- re I a to bout little things thing b The Free Concert 0 c The Tho City YI Visitor d The City Reporter I e c An Ive I've got ot home Songs Sons a I Love You ou Truly b Shadows Shadow c Where to Build Your Castles d The Tho Shepherdess rams Little Songs and Stories Stories- a That Smith Bo Boy and His Mother b His Buttons Ar Are Arl Marked U U. S Sc S. S c Going Goins to Church With Mother Songs Songs- S- S a a. a love Lo and Sorrow Sorrow- cycle b The Lily and the tho Rol Rose Rore c Keepin HoU Housed House d II Tier Her Ir Grea Greatest t Ch Charmo Charm rm 0 o May I Print a l Kiss lUss f C Tho The Lure Storn Story Stor- a n My Iy Old Mans Man's Art Gallery Songs Songs- a Wh When n I am nm Dead My 1 Dearest b Ii A n Lo Song mn mft c When hen I Bid DId the tite World Good Night ht d Sunshine Story a My 01 Old Mans Man's Heaven Son Songs Songs- sa s- s a A Bad Dream b Des Told ToM My Mi Hands Handl Tonight ht c e Mothers Mother's Three Ages of or Man Ian d His liz Lullaby Soh Songs sa s- s a Some Somo Little Songs of Color Story Story- a Lo Loyal LoyaL- al S 0 I Mme Johanna Gadski th the famous prIma donna soprano who W was S booked for the of or January will come comae tho the of or February ry Instead She will wilt appear at atthe atthe atthe the Salt SaIL J. J Lake k theater Mme will have o as hor her accompanist Frank La Forge tho the pianist who traveled tra with h her r last et season sea sea- son Jon and received recel so O much favorable fa comment comment com corn ment meat both as soloist and accompanist I I I At th the meeting of the t directors of or the Symphony orchestra Thurs Thursday the question cues ques I I tin tion of or giving ln another two popular concerts con con- corts before rort the close of nC tho the season was wall discussed and met with considerable ble faor far fa- fa a- a or r Xo No definite action nellon was waR taken but some such s plan mn may be bo decided upon Inter later In th the meantime th public approval approval ap ap- ap- ap proal of the tho symphony work ork Is ts being demonstrated h by a ann line advance ance sale ale for or Sundays Sunday's recital S S Several of or th the musicians of the city rH are planning a reception for COl Mrs rl Carrie Jacobs Bond who ho will viii give she a r recital h be before bo- bo fore th the Ladles Ladies Literary club next Thursday evening Mrs rs Carrie Jacobs-Bond Jacobs is In certain I I I of ot awe sweet t helpful philosophy put Into eVer even ev eV- cY- cY en er dR day language or dialect In her recitals recital Mr lIr Mrs Bond employs none of or the devices or artificialities of the tho professional elocutionist or vocalist She recites her poems and sings her songs a as a. she conceived them them simply simply sincerely sin ala cerel and truthful truthfully And the result Is In an nn entertainment unique in its Ib manner interesting in lt H its mall matter r and h helpful In It its good nature and anda a sympathy I INTEREST BEING SHOWN IN m INTHE THE TEE PRODUCTION OF ELIJAH Interest t in the Salt Lake Choral no- no clety cletys coming production of the EIljah Elijab Elijah Eli EIl jah jab is 18 growing dally daily and there i is I no question but that every seat neat will be sold old several days in advance The mem members n of the society are all an selling tickets and thc they are also alv being sold Bold at the thc musIc stores storCK Indications point to large larse attendance attendance attend attend- ance from ou outside towns and local music lovers ers will b be out In forc force The In singers arc are meeting three nights each week and andare andare andare are making very satisfactory progress The Tho ben heavy choruses of or tho the great gre-at reat oratorio have been given special cIl attention and those who ho have been present at the re rehearsals rehearsals re- re pr predict n a brilliant success A Afree Afree free lecture ll on oratorio music will m h h bo given chen In th the Salt Lake theater some afternoon af nr- next week v b by Edward rd P. P The Important passages of the tho Elijah will be Illustrated on the piano b by Prof Prot J. J J. J 1 conductor of ot th the chorus This I lecture is designed ed to create creato interest inter est eat in oratorio music and is Intended es especially es- es for music students It It- will b bree be befree fr free ree e to the general public however and an Invitation is extended to all aU music lo lovers rs Tho The soloists who whoso whose names were announced an In these thele columns recently were frere chosen chosen- from among among- the very best hest material material material mate mate- rial In the state and each singer has hag been working hard for several weeks Several eral rehearsals of or soloists orchestra and chorus chorus cho cho- rus rue are arc b being arranged in order that all aU allmay allmay may b become como thoroughly familiar with th the work arid and understand each other This Thia will b be b th the first rendition of or the Elijah in Salt Lake and for tot that reason more than ordinary ordinal Interest is being manifest manifest- ed fd s1 Th The Thc date data for fo or tho the performance 1 Is If Wednesday January 27 7 7 and it will be bo given ghen In tho Salt Lako Lake theater re respects an unique figure In th the music world of oC the United d States There are arenow arenow arenow now a n number r of or Amerl American n women omen who ho compose compo music and ilo It Il well there are arc area arca a gr great at man many women who write pOt poetry tr of or orm m merit rH there are arc a il few women who publish put pull lieu lish th their lr own writings anal ami there thero are nT countless women who recite or slug sing In but hut It Is rare Indeed that an any one woman la is lafound round found who accomplishes all these thins things an antI and with success Yet et such a woman is Ss Mrs Ir Bond toda today H Her r vocal and instrumental music has hns won her a place among tho the ablest women composers composer of oC tho the country countr her poems haa ha have havea a quaint charm and naturalness that lend them a 1 lasting value j she he the has hns her herself published with few fec- P. P exceptions C all nil she ho hohas ha has written and composed and her sing sing- In log ing and reciting of entire programs of or her own works have rained her unqualified commendation Naturalness n characterizes character character- izes c everything thing she ho produces In either Ither tone tono or verse ven- Her music has hns In It nothing of or the trivial or banal and yet vet t Is 1 essentially true and direct It j seems th the spontaneous product of or inspiration and I has hab nothing about It of the laboriously sought o or 01 made And nil h her r vet sea IIA share I this simple natural they thc the art are bits bit |