Show J p. p Maxine Elliott Actress ss' ss I Theater Builder Build Manager Manag 0 r er INVITES INTERVIEWER WHO WANTS ANTS V TO KNOW HOW now SHE DID IT TO TAKE A GLANCE AT HER HEIt HOME LIFE AND SEE THE REAL REASON WIlY WHY J rAd r- r J or Ad j j I T-L. T i j I L UIL 11 1 f e 7 Wi A i o N M 0 i to t t J y 1 tr a J 0 Ib 1 mI it j t j 8 NI 1 1 f l l i 1 i I f J. J ri off I l ljJ jJ rT t 7 S St l f rl B. B Br r Jiji yH S- S i H S iS of v ij o orro orr 6 UN rI O C MrSS' MrSS ELLIOTTS ELLIOTT'S 1 ISS MAXINE ELL ELLIOTT New NewYork's I 11 York's Yorks only onh rc a cr M 1 proved 1 a i charming h hostess stes I V Ij wh n she ho opened her n nOw ns nv theater the 1 ater Iter ter and invited th the Lt public toe to tp e The orji 11 a J The day clay sho sItt was yas H seen n in itt l her l own 4 and ind was wa va 3 to toll hll the tho public how Iu v io it t seeing ein t lo to bo a t star Mar and manager antI and act at her own or 01 partly her ber own theater the the- ater all nt at the F Mine ine 1110 time Miss Jj Elliott lives Ines just off ocr Fifth uc- uc nuo rico and mr within a stones stone's throw of len Cen hal park Tier JlOu O is isone one of f x Thero i if is no ostentation tion about it b but t th tho color scheme an and details soothe oot ho and please tho the pre eye i You Von ou are arc shown sho-cn into a hi bi big library the James flames from front an open fireplace offering a cheering welcome Th The room is is hung hunt I in red the woodwork if is a n dull dun I and tho the shaded sconces from th the tho walls cast a 1 mellow glow over o a all i Tho ThA actress is there at a J. J bi biff work work- in ing desk co covered with ith papers books 5 and files A lon long on white quill pin pen sticks ticks menacingly I- I across tho blotter pad parI The Fi Fight ht was vas enough h to convince the reporter re reo porter that he was going oin to hear all about tho the building of the new theater about the cost of damask curtains k kegs s of nails crystal and marble j j columns J Sport Her Pot Pet Miss Elliott t lea tra a owned gowned led lell the thc way i the room to tho flie fireplace and m in in in- the other present m member of tho family Ills His name is Sport an and ho is 33 H years ai old oM end and is ill an and pr privileged a bull bulldog do as to wear a sweater cater iu in the presence of his mistress Sport growled an tn acknowledgment of or the introduction and then played ta tat tag with a mechanical mou mouse mO into which he be had bitten fo so many d lOuts that the tho CO cogs 5 re refused to go o round nn any lon longer er Did you sleep leep Ie p after al all alJ lh thi excitement excite ment of f the tho op opening of y your ur new ncr theater the thc ater VOh tOh yes 5 IAu laughed hl the actress ct ss for 1 T- T was exhausted utterly Dot But I awoke early in th thi mornin morning to we to-we to well to tn see sec what the critics had to say a about out it il ilan nfl all And do you rOil rea really care card All Au Eggs in Iii One Basket I certainly d do Im I'm merely human you know 0 t nod and am not on ono one of those su iii superior u. u i persons who rise above c such items as curiosity and heartache and delight Why shouldn't I care carel livery very one con con- with the product production dol does docs Fanc Fancy Wo We work for months month and months on a anew t new w pa play lo with its difficulties I rehearse e it arid and slave C It is is' is- is offered toa toa to toa a a. NeT Ness York Tu public and Rull my hopes arc centered ter d on it Us is success Alt All th tuG the e eggs eggs- S' S are iu iii the tho ono one basket which w you on set et out the pu public lic that nh night ht D nt you think it is more human to wi wish h to know the nc next t morn in ing whether or r not the eggs are Mill there Here or whether they have ha been cn scram ram bled or made into an omelet oye over night A ew York first flight i i is trying enough h under the tho most t fa favorable om Lc con rOIl eon but w whop eJ the tho event e taKes in a a brand new nc playhouse pla which tins has riot not bt firt finished in- in in to hold re rc why x tb thin then n it is something J otan of ot an air ordeal Byr that lint is h happily o er and ind I am grateful anti anil pleaded e 1 at tho th I outcome Weary of Barn Storming MUs s Elliott curcI curled herself i comfor bl bly in in the corner comer of a big brg deep divan 1 very ery frankly I 1 wanted 1 Fi Q of f m own because 1 Im I'm my u of ap PC iu iu barns barDs of ot places CI 1 really think the d days of the s 's bl big theaters ar arc over O I Ics H's 8 al all ri right ht for spectacles s ft hero ro the they need ne-ed room for camels chariot t races lacea and what not for they need a vas vast ast t. t F lace but hilt for the tho dainty corned comedy and I interior inte dramas drama Ar aro death Stars that have intimate plays plays- r arC ar aro 8 simply at their r wit wits wits' eid to find I small mall theaters places that will wilt ho sc D th thee thew u works so tiO that tb tho a audience docs does not fool that tit it has hlll I invited into a J. J ten acre lot iu in or order er t to a view a small mall cameo For eight years I Ive I've e h been n wanting to build a L th theater for Iv Pvc Ive wanted a 11 home hou of my own here hero hero-a a tinge stage home i. i Im I'm frankly 4 victim to the tho craze of or to 0 called homo life While on lour Ill I'll put I up with almost any hind lind of food antI and a lot lIt of other inconveniences if T I can rm live ill hOUltS hOUlt'S that have h fireplaces Mv y yr friends r ll and 1111 companions jeer at mo 1111 but bitt I la cant can't t help it tb for 1111 th the modern hotel hole I is Inuit built for fOl outward beauty nod and bleakness S 11 If after ito li play I Van I in I lo to a room roon and ail drop into nn tn ca easy cusy chair before an open firo fire Im I'm happy hapPl Many Trials in Building Well e much the same thin sort of or feeling feeling feel feel- c ing int prompts me nie in tho matter of the aters I f had to almost every o inchol inch i ot ol tho way in lit building the new house T I it H sma small land and intimate and the they told fold mo itie that the tho earning capacity I would not amount to anything I J wanted antl it honest in in architecture and material and they told me it would ouM bo ho o otoo too simp simple pimple But I Id I'd ii rather have han one ono real marble column than a dozen loZen imitation imitation I tion Hon gilt Jt strewn about the place I I They tell me my nn- new theater theder is is Yer very pretty r and if it itis I is is-I is I truly am alii in in o Io with it of thou nurse them 1 feel that I I have accomplished hed something in my mv life For to build something that is il a delight to the l eve v is ig is to have havo lOud something I noble Suppose it i is not practical I from the viewpoint of tho the box hox office Must thin everything in New cW York be merely mere mere- merely ly 13 practical all Can not something bo ho e beautiful for a change chaute at least Real Home Life The butler appeared ll with a a tray and I arranged the tho tea table said It Its 8 my dinner you know Miss Elliott for real dinner at t half half- past u would be a sacrilege j while tea at It that hour is a i delight flue Tho invitation 11 l In dino lino was ras ace accepted accept accept- opt opted ed and 1011 over orr th the tho tea cups cup the subject sub sub- Cj ct was wa-S renewed while Sport o avo one one rh disgusted n l look ok at tho tea things I rolled over o on oui his back und nail bc began an anto to snore rc like hike a t HIn Iu In England t several have havo their own ot theaters theater and aud there it 11 i n is ch fur I London ondon is comparatively cas easy casc is nearly al alj al Enl England ul so so o far as theaters theaters thea- thea fers are concerned and when a plays play's Jon London on run is is ended endl it ii is ui about ended for En England Jan Here Hero it is is quite r dif dif- ifer if- if ferut er for 1 after ter a ew lork success sue suc c ce cess J a play ca can n ho bo t taken n kell across cross this vast ast country county and be played for about tw two years cars more So if it n a star has her own theater in Mew W CW York tho the to fill till it in difficulty u usually conies comes in her absence but blit fortunately for 01 meI me inc I l am ant in iii partnership with the there re Shubert Shul and in Sn my absence somo som of 0 their stars will occupy the I tae stage 3 J Very cry desirable arrangement it strikes f me Have Uan a Managers Corner Carrier Plays Of or Of it its it's s 5 so SIl much easier for forai ah ai actress 5 to sit ba back k an and simply draw her salary aT letting the tho mana manager J Jh h hear bear r the tho brunt of worry worry- and ancl e but hilt then you must be bc content to in barns 1 of theater too And ud appear T Im I'm m willing willin to cart carry my part parL of the burden of worry for the thc gratification of ci appearing h ber here r in a theater that 1 tills fills nt my ray hum humble hl iJa ideals of M t a 8 playhouse pl ought tn ti be Thc The trouble will be in getting etting plays thou though h n Ii anti and nil the tho act rc s knitted 1 tt d her brows rows trl tragically kailY for o the big JOann managers have havo 01 a mortgage nort ace upon the tho pla play of ot t J the world these days dayn 1 JAl Id Jt love to have IS a play In by TM IM T. T Barrie who to m m mind n j is one ouie of the thc greatest great r of the tho genus tho-genus genus c IUS nut But Mr Nr l a m has lins Mr Ir Barr Barrie ahl Barrie e nil all to antI and t a for e poor ne ute II Believe me nie pla plays do donet not net gro y on bushes A single 1 manager na r like myself my self steif elC must scurry jip jup lapes lape aJl nJ and l byways lR to fin flail find and you on can cant can't t t go about go u itai it ns ai if it ut a nm ller holiday either runt t a n which the the critics critics d do thi not take into Ion at at all tho carcH scarcity of good gOOl o d plays plays plays-nud and the they make f few few 31 allowances s either Woos Voal f of Manager K Them Thern are aie not many plays written these lays days ays that that measure measure up with those of Mr r Barrio Barrie or Shaw If I could get a Barrie flame pin play Id I'd take t like lio a flash ash but taiL I cant can't get ct pet one ono so M o i I have ha to take tho the best beat that that the thc market affords But Dut I t the hur critics know lenow nothing or care cart nothing nit about I thC these heso o difficulties ies naiL mill thc they compare com l pare plays play with ideally high standards and lId them In tho the accordingly accordingly- case caso of f Tho The Chaperon 1 ha have been fortunate fortu nate nale anil t am grateful mt ful of course Nearly everybody o wog kind to mo mc the thc mornin morning after and a nf mere re lone bite woman who w wants e every bod to bo ho kind to her I feel ferl happy and anil contented d see fleo neof Sport hat had chewed his tin mouse mO entirely entire entire- l I. I ly y out of commission and antI ho brou brought ht it i t over to Miss Elliott and dropped it into in iii to her lap Jap Time to Scold Sport You ro no gentleman Sport Sport scolded his hilt mistress v 11 your our life youve you've ron 0 done things that were hail had for you OU and as RS a t result you 3 ye lived to be he nearly twice as old as dogs of your breed a and l reputation are aro supposed to l live ive An And no now when 3 youre old and worthless and lovable everybody is kind to you rou Personally Im I'm ashamed of you rou Here Oil with that sweater Shorn of or his coal it coat it was probably l lambs lamb's amb s 's wool too too Sport Sport hung his head and with a moody mood abused air off otT to the hearth rug and curled up In lii two minutes he was snoring as loud as does Jim O Ogden on out Ho Hog island Have Havo you yon seen The rho rhe The interviewer took the thc obvious canine I hint Ho lie bade his hostess good afternoon after after- noon Doon and left little the wiser on the of how much it Costs to buy marblo columns or how how- much this or that hut but impressed s th ll with the idea that with such a delightful l place as lier new theater to act iu In iu and nl such Mich a charming charmin spot as he be homo bomo to live in in Miss s Elliott ou ought ht ot be he a happy woman And AntI in in fact Isho she sho seems scents to be just lust that |