Show TERN c GIVES ON INDUSTRY POCATELLO Ida Jan Tan l 15 Jos' Jos 0 O. nat f-ast- E Wing of m m rn vice president ent of the tho National Gro Growers Growers' Cra association prefaced hi his dreu yesterday afternoon with some marks on tho ho poetry of the tho h r ri rs life Mr Ir r. r Wing formerly ran a sheep inch In the tho Book mount mountains lnA of oe Utah nd Is well known among mon West western rn sheep hep business bulnes MrVin Mr tr nen en Coming down to iving Vin said eald In part First we WI do not need a higher tariff I i greater duty on wool It would not n tho the end be a good thing to ha have a 0 I dut duty on wool Nor or do o we want a ower dut duty It Is well enough nough as It Is III here are ate people In America ho ought u ht to wear woolen garments ost of these people arc poor people or ople of If moderate tc means meane They cannot to h b bRo bo o th their h clothing cost coat them oro noro than It Is cot them now Nan Man arc ro to so cunning In their lc de devices s that hat they are making er c every sort ort of or sub nub for wool If wool were wre much more than It U Is 18 no now Vr very little the ively would be us us-d us d at al all an Farmer armer Wants Reciprocity Nor IM this the worst feature of ot a high tariff tarm on wool Wool Is about the theone theone one thing that tint tho Lii farmer produces products that thatis is 18 e hel helped 11 b by 13 a tariff Nearly earlY e cs that ho buys burs Is artificially In Increased In- In creased In price II by tin the protective tariff 1 Doubtless s 's a n measure of or protection Is III useful use use- till ful doublets the tariff has haR built buill our cUIc ell ell- Ic Icu Su to a largo o d rt and helped he develop de tle- IC- IC clOP America Yet YH the time has come com when Am American country life ne ned ne-ls d a n low low- tring of tariffs tariff We y can eRn not w well de demand ale de- mand nl the tho general lowering of or tariffs un- un less den II s are ar willing to let wool wooi slay at 1 ilk tR t. t wh where re It I is II r. r 41 With a general 10 lowering of or tariffs we c ran F 1 can in gain concessions from our neighbors Germany German ermany other European an nations nation Th These b se e people consume our nur farm product products hy should consume ume vastly more of our mut than the they do cIo fhe They shut hut out our meats as a much an at It Il Is possible for th them t In plain retaliation at t our om hIgh tariffs I And nd when chen on nn s branch of or agriculture I Is In Am America we are art all harm harmed 1 L L Not ot much wool eel grows on nn a o lings ling's s 's bark back i. i tnt when then you jou OU hurt tho the al sale nalo of pork product prod prod- In Europe you Ion OU hurt the wool growers grow grow- row row- ers of America and nd It la Is tap easy to show now this With Ith ll high h priced I farmers will with turn their attention I not hot r M so much to producing tH h sheep sheen thus the r supply will wi i bo le less ef thus hl higher Jk 1 will 1 obtain And Jd this In Is true all Mi through the tho whole hole live stock and and farm farm- Sn me In Industry ut Furthermore there would be bo a slight cr very ery Ik likely b of oC wages In the theat ther tl r at al Industrial centers center and that would I man An that tho the fa farmer would woul find It Itt I uI t tr r r to get It good men mEn to on 01 hl IllS his farm far arm o on hI his ranch And nd this would not butt th tho tIie men In the least they would I b tn th tile b bettor better lr oil oft ol for deserting th the town ton for fJor or th the countr country It I would olid at least top stop in n ft a A measure the tho drift of or steady men from the country countr- to the thc town the tle drift I or of tn the s b be st men Inspection of Manufactured Goods SA So I do not see IC how w wo we can with con- con advocate ocate ad a general raisIng raisin wih of wool tarIffs iffs If I we WI could coull have haw some pome Jaws liwe j similar In 1 Its It I provisions pro and anI to lo th the uie food act or tIis foot tl t Potion n bill s Jn n that w we could 1 C a H States State label on nil ni manu manu- I d good goods and on nit all ni manufactured II clothIng n so 10 0 thAt th the buyer would b hA 11 that the goods held hoM shoddy or Gr rott n. n or I waste or trash of nr any ort or nr stating it If It was ax r r really of o lionet wool roola a al- al 1 r that would woul help 1011 Iii I n the ale Ilo of oC goon good wool It I j mh to mV me And nil nl J ln lf es no nn reason r on why h such a n law not h. h h. h enacted It rould be he M ir If lt th the i I en cn- cn American r farmers Oli wool I I j. j would It I and k keep n on dpn deI de- de n n It till til th they got ol It rl Scabies ble and the Pick Pik III f o much or for th tariff ar nr I In ln tat fr 8 which law can ran help u us UJ lt hel I tate 1 SInI j ha have now nr Pretty tv I J ty good J In ln to th the th t cation Wf regard radl- radl l C ws ton that of Ica scab cab b. b Ita sUites la ts hn have C I are rc not e p because nusA th ar th r Jar t to I loosely SIJ drawn Sheep or not enforced d. sCab ca can now no l b d l I so hl should frn the tho United fUr h l. l That t Le be a thIng worth orth 1 millions to th the woo a 1st ii grower Lt lt cease to fight scab Ib fradl seo Icah and have entirely done dOM with it IUle lh I 1 l And AM then there Is 11 that I het Ih hep tp lie harms It le hars the sheep In- In u tIck tr as much n aR wol do Once th the I wa was mm In th the r west Toda Today lie he Is l t trio t. t I In many western tN that to J tn rn Come to Cast Cast- feed Iota frH f tlc ticks fr come 01 w with II 2 Is IR Il That th the scab Is trOI II gettIng 1111 r Ion eon t that thai E hr In this Ihl district In I m men n ar are In getting C ceas- ceas to t- t dip lp They light t k h tt t th tIe Tt 3 tIme el scab cab j j 1101 t tl do I f even en e Forer Utah Uth Man Ma Oc I Grew sheep p In tIme th th that Today ff f OhIo I sin am An AM growing I m am feedIng feedIng- them amid the ng oma western men Arc ro row grow 1 It I nr n to I. me t to eo o 10 th sorts of lambs Iambs that come to t market make each J Ratter Better Reter and better Is the average Q type You are bree breeding ln better beter than ever er e before You Ion are using better beter rams and th tha th br rs ds se seam sem m h better chosen I Mr Ir Wing Wing- then took tok l r up tin tp the characteristic character character- of the various bands bandA of or Ah sheep cp showing showing- the value alu of each on tho thi western westI utI west west- ut I I ern rn rn ranges range He lie continued But th there re are breeds that you OU Ul use itse a as et little d and I som yet yer very d. t tm times wonder why There Is II tho the Suffolk The They have hR very r black h heads d an and I gs they mark their lambs lamb finely they fatten fatten rAtI fat rAt ten t n with wih g great at ease on grass gins alone with lh I no grain In En England Jand no sheep has done better than the Suffolk Try Tr the Cheviot There Then are arc ro other hr breeds too that tha t have luno thus far flu seen sen e n neglect lec at nt your our hands handl 1 and that that l-al l really h have 0 great merit for tor eos cross breeding the on-the rn range l. l nn any other sheep M Is II a hotter bettor grazer time the I Cheviot They rhoy Tho are arc very n active she sheep n. n finding nil all RI th th JM grass gra u f there Is The They will climb tl tb holiest hiest Jt hills hlll go 10 wh wherever w re er thero there is grass The They fatten faten J readIly adl on grass ass alone They cro cross breed bree exceedIngly exceedingly exceed exceed- well el with wih your our Merino Nerino ewes and with wih your our grade grado prado or mixed owes The They admirable lambs lamb plump heavy Irl pretty stylish There arc aro a a good Jo many manyI I rl rains th that t could b ha hI gathered up tip In iii Ih the eastern states notably In Indiana and N New w York Some rancher ought to take out a a. A lot Jot of them and make u Ii demon dem dem- on I t r Lonno Lon no Robert rt Taylor TIlot h ha has demonstrated the great worth orth of tho the Rord r lor her cross breeding on the tt range It H la is trul truly trimly a n grand ant sh p. p uniting massive II sIze with wih grand form and splendid fleece Then too ton there Is hard hardly guy any other sheep h p that takes taken on fat easier than ihan the Border ter Dorset Donet Good Mother The Dorset or as al It I I Is c called U d In rn Eng Eng- land th the Dorset a R sh sheep Cp with wih peculiar r value valtie and usefulness ti to pome fomE western range men Tho The well n-el bred Dorset Doret IR is If a massive sheep easily fattened tnt fat ten d. d wilh a a h hardy and rugged const const- The distinguishing feature oCth of oC th th Dorset Is II the grand maternal char- char of the ey eye P She IH is 11 n very rY suro sure and If It desired a ver very early arly breeder She hc gives ves birth to very Ir strong vigorous laJb lambs i h he h suckles them unusually well and the the half hair blood Dorset ewe we begot ot bl from Crom a I Doret Dor- Dor et ram and a n Merino or grade grado gade Merino ewe U is also a splendid mother full ful of oC milk mik and maternal I solicitude The place for the Dorset Dorlet on tho the range Is to Infuso new flew life mc and vigor Igor Into tho Merino tue nock flock fock to make mako the Merino and grade rdo Merino ewes ow-es better breeders better beter mothers and better mikers the tho heat best beston heston ado Gm Dorset Doret ewes aro are easily on earth erth They They- will bring the 10 most t lambs Iambs mind the tIme lambs will wi fatten ea easiest let and get et heaviest at I do not so much advocate a the theu u use of pure breed Dorset rC p ewes on tho the but hut an any ranchman who ho Is II soiling selling lambs lamb fat at for the markets of or tho the ca east t twi will wi do might mighty well wen to get set some come Dor Dorset ct blood Into Int his ewe ewo flock The one difficulty In using Dorset blood Is that as yet t the supply Is rather limited There Ther ought to be largo large larlo DorItt Dorset Dor- Dor set net Itt breeding farms In the heart hart of the range country Thero There Is certainly no other blood that flows eo so naturally Into the l 1 Merino and bJ blends so M well wel with wih It IL The Th Dorset of toda today Is a n good shearer hearel and the wool la is of tho best beet character I woo |