Show 0 U It IS 18 that nii anythIng How It b be concealed 1 In this world and boW sure uro U K It Is that tha I t of or good or Sn nr that a n. man marl dots does comes sooner or later r to ta curc sc or to bt bless his III memory sear tilt the Cit city of or f Naples under thet the tho I t hadoW dl of Vesuvius there then for rOI yearly nearly two thousand years two cities burled under their burd burden n of or dust and o around the th fatal locality la lava lara laTho The Tho world orld arose arosa from It Its J grave O and humanity human human- H ity walked the beautiful ways of 01 the I earth arth unsuspecting under r tho the harow shadows r f if the tue te deadly mountain Nobody oboy dreamed F of or the burled buried cities masses of or men mn pass pass- p vine Jn to and fm fr fm never nc Once rocked the tho tragedy over orr which their cureless or care caro car I burdened t feet t were passing Nearly two thousand years and Ald one on slay day a workman digging a wall ran his hi shovel sho who ho was 8 1 wal In t the th he core corner of n a pi ejecting wall vall io 10 10 hidden treasures of or a world lay uncovered In tho ruin rin of or Pompeii and I it Silver and ond gold boM and marble marblo and bronze L lh ti work ork of or the master matter sculptors and painters of oC a worM world a as brilliant as OK ever I er trailed tho the pages paJe of or romance and bIn hla- j the tho r records cords of or history The tr tragedy cy lot of nature was al told at last tho tim dastardly d deed ded d of ot Ve Vesuvius u lus proclaimed to all ni tho unborn a ages and ond over O the graves ts sm of or ar- ar 1 and sculptors who had I lad broken their of or the tho disappointments of or fame land lan fame ani set ct h herself to sound their names to the stars stAr The recompense was complete tho the compensation flawless theTon the tin W I wrong Ton righted beyond calculation And as ni this tragedy of or nature so 10 o I In tho 1 tragedy of the human art lu-art Its Is se- se crt that Ho lie 10 hurled burled hurlee for fo years yearn its Is tr trago- trago o- o I 7 dl dIs ll s 1 of oC toll toil tol and ane ho hope and endeavor 01 must I eventually come to light ht I u l flooding all al tho the orld l-orld with Uh tho the world word glory of or their fame ramI Thet The t J s mon men doln doing their best know p m- m least of what they do tb In the f I sure Juro and established 1 laws 11 1 of or nature and of or compensation there conies u I L time when fat rat fate her pays par recompense to life fUll tul fully bra bravely gloriously h lre A It certain r ln young woman oman considers heri her her- i LC Jf lt particularly kind to her somewhat py headed brother amid pounds on In hH lila floor dobr dor In tho the morning to tn n awaken aken him But Hut she ho ho has hag learned a lemon INon New Years Year's after aUer knocking and rc receiving no answer answer she ie poked h. h her head Inside tho the td ioor 0 r and realizing that It I would require something mono than usual In the moe way oC of nole to tn arouse him she sho stepped d Into Inlo Iho thie darkened room and IU began Jn as follows I In rather a n high key Joy Do Io you yom OU know its it's f alt past t 8 87 Js J's Ja that stir 01 you ou enough to get Jet up imp sad and attend to 11 an your our business obligations I TX you OU havo hav l' l been up tip again half the JI lt with that beastly II n. Vs' Vs who hal has his to do hut but loaf and has lias no ronald ronald- for ro tho those e who do tb You ought lo to chuck smelt a a. friend u tar af and turn over a new now Then seeing that I nothing she said Balli Deemed em to have In any effect on her brother he tried to startle him him with au another other ti tI- tI wih Tide rade o Info Into when she Bhe was to t- t startled b by wal tart a voke that was wag not hot her hert t Brothers and anI I she be said she I downstairs an and was waa with her brother who said hed he'd brought wih 1 Ii B. y W. home lame to spend the night with wih him WINTER WEDDINGS OF or 3 WEEK AND FUTURE YTtRE Miss I I Vivian Ian Harding daughter of Mr nd Mrs C e 11 Mt D D. D mini and Aaron Cox were fO married In the c tempi tempi- trl followed b by t a a. linen shower for rOI the bride In time the evening enl nl tl brill at the thu home of or 1 e tw Mr lr and 11 vest Ct lf C r D. D harding 7 io North orth 3 1 and Mrs Ir Frank TL Snow have n h 1 Rn- Rn n- n Vr the hie of l theIr r 1 ter Ruth nuth to J. J Waldo dRI daughter daugh- daugh h- h ln Ir r. r J 3 son fon of or T. T of or J nry tho the The Tho hl 1 is to bo In February Tr MIss IP Katherine lc G-lc and Capt Dry Erv- all n cl k Confar V are arc to I h he 17 at St St. February J cathedral The members nf at l th the bridal party limit it Mrs Irs r are aro not a all al chop y yet p J r Dunbar will h ho he matron if honor The rho wil n ceremony if to be hill bill affair li tl a W J. J j has hl announced the tho en- en n- n of his Ia May to n. n Wilbur Ethielyn Ethelyn thin tho WIlY marrIage ill not ng occur wi until tIme tho coming June I 1 11 A. A Fred We w accompany Mr r. r and andi on their nd trip tho party leave o abra next week i i Mr a Rn th Mrs MI marriage Nat rat Brigham ham 11 havo o a nn- nn of Mrs Irs U Grace Constance Brighams Brigham's Young Youn feS bet Christian Thur Thursday S to r n B ot at iii JI Mr Ir ra and Mrs Were In Iii town urIa er last week a ot of days das visiting to their friends en new hOO In Wahia ala Wala ash Miss 1 11 I L Lou De Dc Hort of or Vineyard and era ete or of Central City Neb reb I l' l will t ankA Mr Ir and nd by ly Mrs Irs Do Stanl Stan Stan- Bert Hort make o their Lake ake ml future futuro In Salt alt Mrs u. u Martha L. L Duncan or of Bountiful ISsued her J invitatIons for tie the marriage Irr dau daughter Etta marlac or of to nobert flobert Ela l ro o Thursday ot of s home JIOIO In Jan Jannary or 21 1 at her rho fhe M he Young Wilt at JI younG after h rc Mr I 1 at Layton laton s wJ 11 Is engaged in 11 the tho dru drug WINTER VACATIONS AND CITY'S GUESTS Ir dr and Mrs rs e. e P. P Adams bor will be bc at JI I Jent ater tOa today at time tho Biter lter apart apart- II F Fern r Scot Scott or of Montana lont na will arrive month wi on a visit tm MIsS 4 l tl 18 lol Mr Mrs r of A. A n S of or Denver IR is the time jue Mrs It W I P. P Third to n Alexander at G lor n it OW hays das I h In n Mrs IM time th I'd for TaYlor n a rw or of slays 1101 Is it C guest S S IiI 11 I is imo In I nurl Ilm 11 until pm ber In unil some have ha lUl sr nc two yea s I to sail 8 fiji rIl home In time r. r lle early 01 S S SO M Ir n O O. O I ca c thih this i o 1011 an antl will I IH to t remain until month for C. C 1 I 11 l 2 and from Mn Ir harry Harr Atkinson have o re- re now tm-hp tm at hOrde uld are arc nt at Tonopah Nov c MI Martha a wil arrivo Sun Sun- I ht sin 1110 hug has trIp to Boston amid New ew York bern lImo tho k y S i 1 Pruit V CIll Coleman Ier I is r man visiting l nta In fr DUd Delver Mr Ir and Mrs Ir J. J C. C I remain a f month Mr Ir and Mrs J D 1 e irn r for tho reg- reg r hotel otc on i AI winter nr nt at time tho N ho-N New rw w South South- 11 I C. cago ar Chit Cht- Mrs y S S Ir ia 5 Clur wi vili relur return In iii a n few Mile Ihie le three w spent at ut Coal- Coal Iambi tulu Dr 8 and Mrs Charles Morrison on 1 or of Coll oo- oo Io hlo are nr the month at nt with wih relative Mrs Was waa rA 1 rs Mor- Mor Iol- Iol L if bm ITt Mlis Lillian Burn Burn- Dur- Dur Dr r. r an and Mr S S Ir 1 i c. c will wf leave t for the coast coaRt Monday to remain i Mrs a 1 Emma Noone left heft ItC today for or Kansas Kan Kim Sims sas City where site she wilt will wJ spend some sonic time with wih her dau daughter Mrs lr Mrs Ir William M. M I. I Mom dock who who ho h has le been licen en tho timo guest of or her mother Mrs E K S. S S Dunford has huts returned to her homo home In Stockton tok ton S Mrs E. E V. Matson returned Wednesday Wednes Wednes- tin day to hl JUT hir t homo home In II Ogden after aHer visiting Mrs Iran Frank J Knox nox Mrs W SV M M. 1 BaIrd of or Gillette Yo yo Is tho the guest of or her sister sinter Mrs Ir Max A A. for tor a few lew days das Mrs s. Ir C. C 11 n. Ahoy Aley I has returned from San Sn Francisco where she the tho holidays hotca's with wih her mother Mrs I Kessler essler Mr 1 and anil Mrs Hoscoe M. M I. I Breeden and nel Mrs Juliet i will wll be at homo home hOlo to their friends after arter February 1 I 1 at No Xo I Swill Swill- Swallow Swallow low apartments Clarence who has hn been heln at attending at- at totaling tending school In 1 enjO enjoyed ed the holidays holdas holda's with iiI his mother In iii Par Paris s I Sherman of or Herkel Berkeley Cal Cal Is tho thio guest of or it J Louis I worth at hl his homo on T Twelfth East Est street for tur or a a short I time S S I Louis Luis nu Russell s1 Glavis Clavis special mail land agent for to the time government Jn Is spending a tow few Ow days das In fn tho city to et en route Idaho Mrs F. F J. J A. A will wi leave o Ica about the time OUI Othi for or Monterey Cn Cal where she site will wi visit her brother Prank Frank Fank E. E Wilson ilon lson Thelast Time The last lat of 01 February Mr will wJ Join her In Santa Barbara S I S Mr Ir and 11 Mrs Thomas hoaas Kearns will wi leave lea e this his evening c for New York where th they will wi upend spend several weeks loiter Later they will wi go SO to Cuba for Cor a short time and Ull will wi return to lul the Inaugural ceremonies In Washington n S Mrs David ld Da Keith and amid son ld Da David will wi IC ICo heave cave o tomorrow for Los Lus Angeles and anil UK thu tl benches to remain until ull spring Mr Ir Keith J will wiil wi Join them later M Mrs n a. a It H. A. A SinclaIr who has liis been I lt- lt I Ida Ma In ing ng here has returned to St. St AntImony Anthony Mr Ir and Mrs Irs In Windsor ol V V. V Rice nice nn and two children will wi return to their homo home II hiers r tomorrow after acor spending several se weeks In n tho limo cast east S Mrs J. J 1 r Daly Wednesday ay rom from Paso HoLle Cal Cal Mr lr Daly Is in iii Los Angeles Js Mr 11 and Mrs Irs II I. I C. C Edwards left lef fur for or a trip of or ten days to Minneapolis 1 Mr and n Mrs 1 Thomas Golde tone Grif Grif- will wi I leave c the time first of or February for or southern California where re th they will wIl I remaIn rc- rc maIn nain until the time laic hate springs spring Bishop Franklin S. S S Dean Den jam In tho the lc Charles h I K Perkins the time nt Air Mr Ir Buckley and arid the lie toy Kev Chal tes Rice nie I left heft C yesterday for Logan Logun Lo Lo- 1 gun gan Jan to be he present today at time the thi tiomi ton of or time the new Episcopal chapel St. St l Johns John's at al I Logan gan A 4 number of so soi 01 tat lal functions have been planned for or time the 1 visiting visit visit- 1 iii II ing clergymen Mr 11 and n Mrs Irs Herman of or Philadelphia ar aro tho thin guests of or Mr 11 and mImI Mrs Irs Young Mrs Irs it i t Mrs Young's Youngs 8 sister In el nail and this Is her hier nr that t visit lo to Salt Lake Lako in lii tl thIrty ono years ears I I S S S Miss ls Judge anti and her guest I Miss Sh of or New ew York left Wednesday Wednes day for fo San Sami Francisco Later Latel tile the they will wi go Go to tho the south southern rn coast resorts Mr 11 and amid Mrs Irs T Ray flay Montrose are arc at home at tho the Kensington apartments Mrs Irs Frank II IL Emerson is entertaining her st sister lter Mrs s. J J. G G. G of oC Pittsburg Pitts- Pitts burg Pa who will wi remain several se erl weeks Time The Misses Anna Anna and anc Genevieve o lc Mc- Mc Ie- Ie Corick aro ate again at homo home after aHer an easter eastern east east- era ern er trip Mrs Mra Ir Gor George e A. A Knox of or San Francisco FancIsco Is the time guest est of Mrs Irs George at 70 First FInn avenue a Capt Capt Chalmers G G. G Hall Hal and C. C H. H Means of or tho the reclamation service ser who were re- re rc centhy In iti the tIme cl city a few days das are arc now in White Hocks Utah S S S Mr 11 and amid ane Mrs Irs II I. I returned Tuesday evening from Laram he Wyo 0 where Mrs Irs has he been m tho lie guest uett of or relatives for or the past paRt two weeks while Mr Ir was in iii Chicago o. o Mrs Irs Jam James E. E Jennings and ami Mrs Walter Wal Wal- alter al ter P. P 1 Jennings leave leavo soon for or southern California where they will wJ remain a month S S Mr r. r ansi and Mrs Jack ChImer Gimer of or Seattle spout spent one da day In imi town this week with friends while they were en cn route route to to wih Chi ca cage cago o where th they time will wil reside permanently Th They rimey were acc accompanied by hy Mrs Mary laT lV g. 1 Gilner who will wi go GO on to Dos Boston Lon and amid New r ew York i ork Mis Iliad Thad M. M 1 Naylor who lia has been time the guest of or friends In town will leave heave soon oon lea e for lor or her lieI home In Logan 1 loon Friends In Salt Sal La Lake kp 11 have received d let let- bra hol mom Oxford England announcing special 1 honors won by Robert Hartley I In mathematics HP lip Is Js a n graduate of M the time ralty o of Utah I I Un I and a n winner of ot Rhodes scholarship a I Mr I timid and Mrs ln U. U D. D Stark Shirk Starl Starland and laughter arc oro at al home after a H mouth month lUlo spent pent In iii Colorado Springs and und Denver Mrs Jos Joseph ph L. L r. r I. I and her two tho time Miss Misses s Alta AHu an and Lam Raw flaw tho the week of or time tho holidays In Paris Pari and amid time the latter latr part of or this month time the will go 0 to Holland wi and anil ane Germany Mr Mrs F. F K 1 I ha th tIme the 1 guest of ot Mr Mrs I Kosher Kesler of ot Oakland IM I whore where she w will wi remain sonic some weeks Mr wIll wi return eur In a few rw days das 11 Mr Ir and ammil Mrs R. R n M. M Rogers HorM ar arc nl Rt home HI for time the the winter nt rt it l 1 South Fourth hOIt la Last t street t with Mrs MM Irs Rogers Rogers' wih parent i Miss ll Carrie Stewart will wJ return the last of or the time month from rota southern souther nia to remain a wizen she leave Ica for tor time the est cast wi o. o S 5 Mrs Irs Elizabeth Bonnemort attended the wool growers growers' convention tion a nt t Po Pocatello I Ida a. a this hula week welk as fB delegate Tho The meeting telo opened yesterday tI Mr Mrs 1 1 T. T. T Beles R has haR returned from visit to her tier a son Somi on nt nl tho Northwestern uni- uni ye nil ty 11 Mrs Otto Oto K Keppel daughter Dol Dolly or of on are ure th the tho guests of or Mrs M. M M J. J T T. I Earls Mr Mrs I F F. F J. J Dunn and ald her slaughter daughter Mlis ht ldla Edtia Springs ur are arc Ark Arl spending i a short at ft Hot lint Mr Ir and anel Mrs Ferdinand 3 J. J Fabian are arc at home after their eastern hr trip Mrs tr Fabian was gone two m months spending tho the time with wih her daughter Miss tS Stela Stella who l is' is attending an on eastern school Mr r. r Iab Fabian n Joined them for lor tho the holidays holta's S S I i Mrs Samuel Vinton who Is f welt well el i known leown here but Is Js now a 0 resident of or San Francisco Is IR entertaining h bier i r mother Mrs s. Ir of or Indiana Indiana Mrs K R. A. A Keyes will be the of or Mrs Hamm Jre c w bp guest for ro a short time d during her visit to San Francisco S S Mr Ir and 11 Mrs Horace Horce Dunbar aro cri- cri er- er Mrs In Wayne Wayno Hemphi of or Omaha I S Time The Twenty ninth regiment with lh which Capt John II I. I Woodward Is at present will wil sail from Manila Maniha I mla August 10 Hi i next ext and will wi then be stationed at Governors Governor's Cow Gov Islam island Illand In tho time meantime Mrs Ir Woodward will wJ remain hero with wih her I mother until tho time arrival of ot the regiment I Capt mind and Mrs Irs Theo Theodore ore A A. Baldwin with will J sail mi from rem Manila Macha for lor this country countr I next June Jimno and after their arrival al will J be Le stationed at nt Fort ort Wayne |