Show MONNA VANNA AND AM COMING NEW YORK TORK Jan Tan 35 Oear Oscar Ham Ham- J tein announces that negotiation by cable have havo been c concluded L by tutu hint for forthe forthe the American ri rights of Monna Mouna f Vanna M. M dramatic po poem m pet fet et to music by y Henri Fevrier Fe which was produced for time the first fir timo time fn in the Paris opera house Wednesday Jay night Mr lIr hammerstein said aitI that tl hi his agent in Paris attended the J amIr anti and r pronounced th the work of absorbing in in in- tI terest Mr added cd that Monna 1 Vanna Yanna would be bo one of the great novelties which n would bo be presented presen ted to o tho patrons of tho jho Manhattan opera house bouse and the tho Philadelphia Phil opera boise bouse next t Year vear Another is Richard which h i is iA to have havo its ill initial production in Dresden at tt the end of this month |