Show I WOULD AID SETTLERS I ON SEMI ARID LANDS r r W. SIlI WASHINGTON Jan l 15 Senator Senator Nix Nix- cn en n of Nevada ada has Introduced the tho following following follow tollow- in ing re resolution for tor the relief reller of or settlers In th th's Carson Truckee-Carson s project project- That tho the secretary of ot the Interior be t t i end nd ho Is hereby authorized In his ton and under such lIuch rules and regulations ss s hi hl may prescribe to grant Ilant extensions of lr time for tor pa payments of the annual installments In- In to lo an any person peron who has hu made modo application for water rights und under r tho the provisions of or tho the reclamation art of or June t 1 17 1902 1992 chapter 1003 1695 3 to provide pro for Cor graduated payments of or such euch annual In In- In f Provided Pro that In making application f for or such ouch extension the applicant trust must t show how now to the satisfaction of ot th the secretary tar I t or of the th Int Interior that he ha has hall In Jn good faith b established a homo home on th the land and made madeI I I substantial improvements emont thereon ron and f r that J Peculiar and unusual hardships or orI I conditions render It Impo Impossible fo for him to make the payment required d and that he has made mad r reasonable effort to Irrigate and end cultivate the land and secure crops th Pro Provided further that tho t prior to tho the granting of or nn any application b bv by the secre- secre crefo cre- cre tar OJ fo of the interior each eath application shall r 4 Inv nv U at d h hy by rAnd and reported with a recommendation of the tho officers of the Iho lo Jo- Jo al cal organization lion of or water ater a ter users 4 tion if Ir there b be one one- |