Show Tllll IIAtKIT THAT Wilt AI > rirtlon Drnua 1 lim Ihirrhly II II ne11AS11h oi iv Jotl A Smith dlllvred n Mr mu i In I the Illft il H chunh lost evn Ing on the cubical of The luilot That kv11111 Ile iill In part J In I the national gallry of fir ana in llerlln liangi a Iclure l by Kaulbuch representing a battle of tile Hun Iie form 1M signals at Rome WhO to to kbl In the filling mai I team 1 III dmwlitg mi color 1 Is the hold Von ateption of tile Artist in I atilli the smalls at 1M coomWooto 1 as dpcla 1 Iulo llh wrath from 1M mingled hp of ill slain and continuing the awful con tile In I Ibo air 1 When we think ot f the grandiur of lacrinci that bought ui our triandour r ai J made Ul what I we ar asA as-A metlon ahoon we contemplate the fut that the ballot I that won the thing wa analed wllh blood we wonder not It the 111 tot our Ak homes uldcomt the rescue Admiral Li Itullnr Iho ballot to an unholy and Mlillh ind The ballot that won Ul 1 Hut U I Hcrd and dear wa i not then In I Ih handl of maraudln ttibm mrsorrocunifter the cestintory for plunder The ballot that won lit the outlet rd the llnor man I who fought home and harn > I rill loll us Al Cnlul Anil At proviernryount that brings feelings of howl I I or mod o1 to the Inheritor of our rrno Negotiators and lorlyflowee To do victlencom to h1 toolloot ho no time things would be 11 unravel flow lai Ilr of iKIIIiallon and pull out t4leal111011 l thrwull which would lav I this nation like many othnii li rru m 0 Nor I Into dust WI awn have llffn1 In I all ages A conwtonc la necessary IIn ihoull iul their con ltnc 1 Into the ballot box No banner bd Ih ballot of 11 do Imle a plr than angry waves bo I gala T1111141 from the Houlh wb Claude wer MldrMd by the Haiti of rina I Mmd A I the shift ut state with all Itn dearly toutht cargo outweighing the Jewel of an nplr WAS ttvrAtn I Hut blaming I on that Uvatlon Walter I > faith I look up to Hod victory oamelhal ballot of J look ui throuih I tiger oft That ballot meant nuou al alna of trouble 1 meant wrin I oration Reaffloo dU The win I 1111 ballot th0 often IM1314 out toes to-es to be I Ik 1 too uin f > ea have I been die covered who were foe lu Illwrl futi to our Cut iiliuilon Th blo1 i that won In I the days of the Revolution uttanl bailie wr to bn ftiuihl I from Uunktr 11 III I lo 1 Turkl r wn f1 ballot that wun In I lie deft llh u a meanl 9 la struccialle on until I boom a Hltld policy lo ncht It out on this Ime HAUxrT THAT BMOl LI WI Hrt II should put Into I ome those volho will protect American Institutions 1A 1 lkov Ih pl1 hooI Aol I omo II t4hollnolototeUltUrlil n refinement A bu count above tile almdows With tile right foundation BooonJIl il uuld put Into ornci tho who care for the o man Th poor loan asks who li I my friend and then vol1 Hut way Third li xhuuld put Into onto men who ilt Illf l have moral couratf but ar kii tI lu have the courage of their com I i uni Never wa courage at a greater mnlum i Ohl I for n mayor and oounill ullli courage In ever lAtion Kourlhlt ihould VHP out of ulna anarchlli Milan dl man Libya i no al ignition to ilud law uhen ho I become untrue lo our ioi mltutlon lie I II I an an archill olnce Dont put an unarihlil In ofThe ballot that ihoul1 win ihoull lint I Into Mao nion H ho are not 1 afraid to meet the whisky buster at themselves an na Them Is I a great tUni4 ot the ilncir 1 man oho liable Sharon and stands for good u rmiinit A man who loves till u I y Inllu than hi Way llracm bur > ur plit i i ly I il ould M but > tile Wet foldl is vlinrii you lUiul lo iKhi build ui I untfal nation Already I thli t nat thl9 na-t n ly ballot baa aaU owns noble I totWe are of Christian nation Ilond WV believe in a ville ThlrdUo bllav In the RIM vhlch Grant called the abl ancllor uf nu Vmcrl aa lltterllel which flrlbia aalil broutlit liberty lo Italy Tl ballot I that ahould vln cannot not at trid t for delusions I null look up th rard of the men ho I Ant to bo ole J |