Show DKVlll 01 OK JllVAlLlt Yell Kimnn Actor awl 1 Artist lowed Any In Title City ToJa Th many frlenda ot George J Sly white the well known actor and artlit Wll b Pained to learn of that eMImnbla gentleman death which oecutred at ur 0 bl la late reeldencr Its Wetlt Hllln South street 1 this city today The deoeaaed waa tha oldeit Pon of the late t Oecrg O Ityu site who died a little over a year ago Ilia death wal duo la chmnlc Mumath trouble It Won only recently al its llynater dhd and with the lailog away 01 the decatowd Klay I makaa the third death thai time ooourred In the llywalcr 1101 about fourteen month The funeral I tk rise train the lth wd mllnrt hu P at I oclotk Wednesday aftrumns Tbo remains ro2denot placed on view At the family rmldrnc1 from II ta 130 p in oa the 1 day ot the funeral |