Show II i v Acuiam IIOO Medicine 1 Oorrepondnc IlaTO I Nov LAt UI the fast of the bultba Dradualn la wiikd Thomse I lObo had aaMd lbor ordeal are alllrid I gone ZlUdoA in broad amllM I Is rold I AlUmn f Hpilaavll Mimber or the callings 1 will tth In Clr Millord counly I Ilid A of ira hove WM in Hat rr books their library battle for told tory lorTII 17114 roams leave I a filled all I hUllh The UIIII01 in I What we fomerrijet thimill I mar K tori liay Aliworlh ITovo and John liUfrttoo Collll former to do to dressed II alodvut Tunday They hv Not returned from uocn ful nlralona In I ho fVfUlh Ialla I Ih od h4qT tortile I llnhla dan Ih ya 01 IT vo a elilsonai but through oom unfortu line verallhl the f7 cost el Ijt d noiih 619 fr a the Aeoldicne l which li I UMI unilanlly at nUjhi The rntury cl will nlv a rand 111 Ull rn rrldiy nul l ItIsteititlory I 0011 fornit Itionize of the Moraine tmtnlfLm oholdrichrint bull just received I 00 worth or toold team I ho 1100 ktMl family nll1 and unlobed NOm In mk a Sort 6dmb4 Cfto or onnlIn for loomithiorn I Th Z P 11 1 L of gulf Lake City pre seentod ho Iteavoor Ilranth till a lit ru tie tied that Jim llosmoo Ik Silenc irlrliidv a recital In cook lnapopl of mi Uliui tho Judn Of the clam of IM there art present twtnly two members and lwnty tin of this nerrotl tan arm Irarhlnit W I ITof found tit the II Y A andl rof Inderaon vat a roncvrt at Colder And1111 t r IM11 = H I i I ke city I n Krldir so net llrlmrmll ml VM same of his we h I > III pdoanrl hviur Iture l Ih I il h tounly learhro InMllul Saint Th Founder whooll porinal dPrt nnl Is I larger Ihl or than stir let vhu Albert llerrlll a ura lull from ho rommerc al college In lyp writing and ph nua iphy ban accepted a 1111tioln will nm II Hoylanc Kprinfvtll The alris of I he homicide lArle am preparing lo vivo a rclll In IIffrolual culture soon ullK solder Frank Worn a student of lost l year leaves I for a Southern creation Ilrlrcl ilia H Kvani was al lie Acadamy Tuesday Frof U IL Illnckley hoe suit returned from Man Jlran county Prof Healer hoe Iseen l absent Ion days I-on Cement of the ilralVol him brother I nI law Ha arcompaald the lnxly from Solt tik City lo layon wir I Per voted wvt hln = Ul Friday Irof Wolf wfi on n lo lira lour II tvif In KMoh Millard Mil-lard County and elevated Wo hut lc lure In Lmvor xnsiulrn was favored with a lee tilt r 1ror Itorkman in trooffar TmTJ retorting woo held w roTy In the Colknt half ILmorlil services w r a reassume for Mrs I hot Ix > wry flood who flood I upon hr return from a mlMlon In riamoa Mr Kiel I woo A lnt of tho Academy aa was also her luband Claim 1111 |