Show IN THE STEPS OF MYRON REED I Work of tho Denver Preacher to beTaken be-Taken Up by a Salt Laker JlhV 11 A MAYNARD 1 CHOSEN till Iresel III allies Praillooll 11 flundar The co oriloinn IIrollierbod lliv 11 V llaynard of 811 tk not Um atked by the 11idwas T mi > le moseirty to or nrHr an Independent church movements I ml the vacancy lift be also death of > I lrrn need Mr I Mtynard 1 If suot new in I tho fl < M alonr thoos HUM rf Work In a 11 Intar Timor in tin Duvr Ncu Hnturdoy night he mid Mo one UK Uk the place of Myron HMd I Ans I II In prepoMd = S to chamr th Bam 11 the cirnu laallon from Ihf Droadway Temple to turns other equally cwnprehenh but which will nol elMM loo Motors n feeling of r NnprUon btwl tbe I w ety and the new If til lnl tstlet In I Ih new a nrk l Iud deep rnuu in iu continue such an rEanukUkw w tint 11 lan1 l l all ilu M ffrvil do1 1 Insist 1 1100u M > cUI and Inlilmtiul llnm we olll nark alone I nllltc AmiriktItte IdIt i Ass I Oil slowed to th oooolull l dMtnl aim I Thfn ought la IH room for Jutl Much moveralealL And Ir after I a raw wcrki we land this IP dln4 l I > hall luublxlly continue In I br w irk I AMOCUtrd with UK regular trl 11 lou < HunJt irnlm will Iw U j I lub work 11 mourn and study 1 a i In I the vtnlnon daring thr Week which will brllut both the mn And w mm to irxhw nYn thU wr It will t differ from the Uonun club w rk trvoiwlly I Ur Ilortl op l a To flMd cultural t nllmnr hrul 47 rrara of morls with AVMnhlful l nj rnr all nunmra tlil will van him nunr frUn4 IU to I a gradient of the IIIIU OI I rra R pll > l coll f of Mlrhlen Witter I = and later I from Ann Vrbor University Sir Mrnnl hu been JItel Ion mlnlMrr for many oreerv Prom him lull welsh In Hall Lk > City hi reliff1 l In I plornbM1 nrir In I rra rnrvlrc I niled Inuitoral in Ill 90 and in various part f emilfreou I In I his work he will havo in Imtln or him arrompllhe l if Mr I lilt la Top 1tr Maynanl nh n lltlnrtlon u a ttnllarlon minuter bf re he mrtod Ile e h7l1T1 also lut Miolal cnnoinl nu atlniui aha a-ha had vr rlncr In In t I rarllt 1tell of no H lal 1 willorawasse flir I quid travel In rvpry war lo take up with hi hiMband thr work he has laid I nut d hopes 1 to a It successfully Carried out In IPntr Mr Maynird gives lite I first woman at iII i X It = nl II t llroadway ihMlor a wnk from to dny on hr ronlrHMiUon of Itudsorn F In l In th I auw < if Human llrol ethoutt Mr anti I Mra Maynanl an at Dmrnt tolllnn Idis II A True at aIm a-Im 1 r i who Ie I well known horo for her work In charllabU onan lullon |