Show r POLITICAL FIGHTS OUTSIDE OF UTAH Ohio Kentucky Nebraska and Maryland Centers of Anxiety HAUU aVMlAIOK IOUOJIT 110ult imoill Im In 1 arm Clorell11 TnorrONleur tholsoll rid Other Mal Tomorrow M a aw trtlHcal Ullle In many of the allawat New York electn member of the f > Ale nantmMr and on nwnbar of rongree Vlnrtol and Mew Jersey elect nwnbno of Ito Hlat I legislature and 10 Ik OSM of Virginia the uarlaUtun Well chaoao a miri inijr to U IL Senator Martin nut Mtlhte New York New Jeee y nor Virginia elect general out anVro on lho olher band Uvere aN eWctk > o for State onVrr In Iowa Kentucky Un ryland I HnaiaKhueolU MlaaHalppI Ne bnaaka Ohio Iammrlvanla and Mouth Dakota Iowa baa four iMteiln 11w Held llepoMlcnn Itamvcratle PmttlW I linn and United rtirhntan Kentucky ha Olt Uemocralfe HoneM Rlocll Democratic IlcpuMlan Pupuiu = hibit r and Rixlallat l bor Mary I Isnt hit four ll uhlkan IT E mocr lh I I nihlWIkm and 11 lied lUfarm Mum uobI ha tw Ikrmoorallc nn I Itatnibllcan josometo a lIiIt gr Ogmril = hu three Iuolntl trKwmtld and P 11hpultolloon and Pmbkbtt6h tog five Hepilblloan Deenooratlc ITohlhltlofi ilnln Iwfoem aad Non fartlaan the him named party hal a candlelate for ovomor only Peno ylvaala has four KopuMlcan Itemo centric 1nhlMlloi and Fsaimbesol Moulh Dakota haa two Pinkm and Hepub lean Ther are Tri 1 o4her lala tOim are held in which municipal r local i In 1 ttlh twl nVree are of only siv11m Iman Ilmolto ain a-In Iftintatooky Ohio Maryland andi So Similes In Ohl and Notarial the ratio of Me > Klnley and Uryan nnyeo lively he I right la I Significant a 11d Ing I a Jirvt Foul ir on the pollclea ad NAtoyd by the P = ant and bin hA tbon1 mllIIor of IIM particularly In r fit In hUlmnt Kentucky = J nN dViMMI and TV arom blefil owln chiefly lo political quarrel within tboo Fiat OM vftek aro tim New Torll 1Ild mad A ft Partiman nv u Stho status mod Solve out a fers C w Iowa In New Turk the tKmocral will hold the city while the Uepubltcana i III hnl1 the Mate ny a oar majority the llepul Mean will control the aaem i rriu = ITP41111oAlts bly rdword II reelnd Republican will b l led repreaenlatlve In < oi greea fmm hc Thirty fourth New York SrI I Irmn Succeed Warren a Hooker tgwid IItkl 011 President McKinley will go llepublkan and Noah will he elected majority governor The oandldao probably of by001 TO1olu Is bulletin fif ism UcLiol ij irrymn a state will be clam Wrote N the lame 62 gas disp4tlown 444finison tAL bitrs IFIR Ing fritym It use Will 049 them brimea candidacy 11IO will be Injured Kerliuoky la in a wild tumuli and the IKpubflcan dWI h meal election I totnocralB an Patterns f rco to defeat O ekel with HM pr lect of auroMO No living man CM lull the outoxn today to-day Uoehal control the election I MR rhnry and his opponenU Bay full 1 will eount himself In In Irylatul i the 10wmts Will rolkably elect Rinlth lovarnor over br forta tzd t publlcan and this I peeled lo atreMltnn Oyrman aa a tMnovratk andldaty for President of fanlon la the lau In I laws and the Ilpublkana who are defending II e Ihlllppli a ixilcy will tandoumly PISSIIP111 elect I Bhaw overnor Over While IMrn Mral MralUuoyUm promlBoa to cnUBe ntr argoo r in moua TWubllcan Itimmotaill In Iennaylva nla anl 1 the majority it Marital the Quay candidate for Hut Ifaaaurer n n I by h ef = v u city It 9 1101011 1bgr will be Adoold I governor of Ita n r MIUDed M4 ity olgoo Ur Nw Jersey the muttwill givv the loirlosatoll 10 flow Republican Tho lJemoota will blal the Con late I In Idlealsoul rlae itol ubltcona will win In South Dakol ln Irglnla III rwmll will bo thai th Vast lecuiiitur will rjMt Thorn II i H r trnI the Called station Sn at too Llfr development Indloat that Iht present ouUook Ia I lea 1 ImWtlvo that lho foregoing this th AerOMieM predlcllona of iwrtray the Motion and with IM Increased I had Its results no loot Important Import-ant In onto particularly prediction Is l mad by Governor roaler of Ohl that Ihe total Vote of the State will U WHO of which Naiah Holiti will ant not laa than 44110110 McLean Demi not MON than mow and ion Nan partlenl and all other will divide the remainder remain-der let Mr 1 lieler aUI BI was a trong probability thai JoneB w HI Id out down lids estimate on the ia iinw eandllntaa but If he did threofourlha of the culling w Mild he on the McLean veto air ruatir predicts that Ihe lie puI llcona will serum bi > Ih houaea of the teglalmure John II Mcl ou the Data ocratlc candidate for govrnor lr dlcla that the Ik mx ratio relief I will Tom Only many thousands more Victors than tht TTiubllian Ikkil unit aaya that Ilanna la I beaten Tho tlapubllcuna claim eanaylvaala ty IIHOO majoeliy Renubllcaua and I > etrU > cr4ta both claim Kentucky Maryland and Ncbraeko Kmirai claim 1 tnywlll 1001 the rhouti rn mt1husette AU around the eonteet quilt heated sufficiently ao to make very on Inter ntttd In politic saner to know ll > nor as Ifine riligknow SH 1 t dfln Ih effect It will have on the presidential lamtMign next year and on tile government policy In gener 1 |