Show lull IJIIlomhlJ lOMtn The NOW York worm clalnx 10 bar larnt that our now threat will Ix nik > l ibonlr for a statement of Its Chi MM pnikr Prown what quatltr ib j Ulrpllallon to I to ho mad doa > ot near but II 10 I Improved l that U I will Ming from ROAMS Do far our trtKy hu hM 1 lo demand the right for the Chicago to trade I whr orart they Want lo but the MraMn notrr hvi sastopol upon a Man tt 01 l = vlillnx the vaM itpird Into to inatir leplevisain of Influence with ho view to ulllmil control of the lralt An In t irj iuilon 1 lib that nOmxl lo I Would be either a nolle to this country la look tat closing doan In iho pan claim I aa oftherme of InAwnc her the Khiri pan 1001414 1 mot 111 or an In I vlllion lo Uk 10 ptart In the planned dl Victim awl lo elate what portion of 1101 I Ilia U In l cm i4rd aa l > lomln to our sphere of Inn unc In either oa > UM United I Blalra would be virtually xlt44 from the Yaw TN valley Tonqul and the I territory Contingent M nxnlla and I Manchuria and 110 pro Inco over whkh llormanr claims control II would be no eorai > nMllnn Its be Al I lowell I to trade In I om other part of Chin If 1 that nrlvlla u In be l main lalnil br a vail army of occupAtion Tk Inlwaatl 1 of the llnlt M Mtali In I China serve r r ly oomnwrclal 1 In I he field of poanful comntlllon Was ran hula I our own comfort 11M world It Is I Urge Hat other notions possibly are afraid of and they would Ilk to Confine con-fine our trad opportunlllra In a ir I tln beer of Influence xcludlrxj It from all Ih not In I the dlMuwlun that Ii I Ilkdy to Occur about our Lblora poi lay the kmwt diplomacy will bar tu be brouahl Into liar I |