Show BEER DISTRIBUTORS ELECT CHAIRMAN Pinney Named as Head of Utah Organization tion Kenneth J. J Pinne Pinney manager of the Pinney Beverage company Wednesday Wednes Wednes- day was elected elet chairman of the Wholesale Brewing Industry of Utah at a meeting of beer beet distributors in inthe inthe the Newhouse hotel hotl Mr MI Pinney appointed Heber Scow Scow- croft crof of Ogden treasurer of the organization Plans for of Utah Ulah and western breweries brewere under the notional no- no lonal recovery code of fIr ir f were discussed Major Victor H. H Bridgman Jr of Washington D. D C. C representative of the federal alcohol control administration adminis- adminis attended the meeting as first step in fri setting up a regional code authority au au- board in region No 16 which consists consist of beer distributors In Utah Utah- Nebraska Colorado New Mexico Wyoming and Kansas Kansa Mr Pinney was wa chosen lv live or of this thi district to th the regional board co convention venton in Omaha May 3 from which a regional code authority wi be elected Approximately 26 beer ber distributors front from the meeting I |