Show LIQUOR BOARD ASKS CITIZENS TO GIVE VIEWS I Hearing Designed to Obtain I Section Cross of Public Opinion Set Governor Go r Henr Henry H H. Bloods Blood's liquor liquorI I study committee and the man in the the thc butcher the thc baker and others wh who desire to express their will views meet at the capitol Friday Fri Fri- day for a frank dJ discussion of a liquor control program for Utah The meeting will mark the fIrst of a series or of public pubic hearings to be conducted ed by the state study corn com in an effort to obtain at first firsthand firsthand hand the of oC Mr and Mrs Utah on a liquor control plan that will have the backing of oC the majority of the state Called for 2 p. p rn m. in the governors governor's gover- gover nors nor's board room the sc- sc session scion ion will wUl provide an opportunity for every interested in in- Utahn attending to tell the committee exactly what he desires or doesn't want in the way of liquor control Hope for Cross Section Out of oC this and other public hearings hear hear- ings which will be called if iC the pub pub- tic lie wishes E E. M. M L Bagley Bagle chairman ot of the advisory committee explained Wednesday we hope to obtain a across across cross section of public sentiment on the liquor question which will aid aidus aidus us in drafting a control plan that will be satisfactory to the majority The committee urges ever every Utahn holding views on the problem to attend at at- tend Fridays Friday's meeting Ample time will be allotted to those who desire to express their views We will continue con con- the session until Friday night it if necessary to give everyone everone an Ope op to be heard Clubs Also To Be heard In addition to a number of individuals who have a hearing wIth the committee Mr Bagley Bagle said I commercial and civic clubs have announced announced an- an their intention of oC sending representatives to the meeting The Salt Lake chamber of commerce corn com merce will be represented by Paul F. F Kayser president The Elks University Uni Uni- Alta and other social clubs will send delegates as will various I commercial clubs and civic organizations The hotelmen's and restaurant mens men's associations local breweries Utah wholesale and retail druggists and other business groups have also asked to be heard Everyone E Given GI Chance I The committee will give preference prefer prefer- ence to those who have requested a hearing but everyone everone w will be given givena a chance to express his views before the meeting adjourns said Mr Bag Bag- Ie ley When the public hearIngs are con con- eluded the drafting subcommittee of oC the general committee will immediately immedi immedi- set about correlating the information in in- formation and views obtained for forthe forthe the purpose of drawing up a plan for presentation to the main committee This committee e will then be called into session by its chairman in the hope ot of recommending a tory liquor control plan to Governor Blood without delay This plan the governor announced when the corn com committee was appointed will be considered con con- for pres presentation to the 1935 legislature if a special session is not called before that time Asks Full Attendance Mr Bagley has asked all members ot of the general committee to attend Fridays Friday's meeting pointing out that in the final analysis they will pass upon the plan recommended by the drafting group Mr Bagley expressed the hope that in the near future the drafting committee would be able to send out outto outto to every member of the general committee corn com a mimeographed copy of a tentative plan for their consIderation tion in advance of a call for a sessIon ses- ses slon sIon to consider recommendations to the governor Until that time however he added the drafting groups group's findings w vill not be made public The drafting corn com will vIll meet at the capitol at 11 a. a m Friday to report progress of its study to members of the maIn committee The session will vili be ex- ex |