Show Wife's Wife Coolness Affection Lack Held as Cause for Divorce Because Dena Symes for two years has been cool and unaffectionate unaffectionate toward her husband told him she did not love him that he was repulsive and re refused refused refused re- re fused to care for their home Glendon Jay Symes received a di divorce divorce divorce di- di vorce Saturday according to District District District Dis Dis- Judge George A. A Faust Gelasia Saldivar received a di divorce divorce divorce di- di vorce from Refugio Saldivar when she petitioned Judge Faust explaining explaining ex ex- her husband has been quarrelsome finding fault-finding used abusive language toward me and threatened i to kill me Marriage of Geneva B. B Worthen and Harry C. C Worthen was dissolved dissolved dissolved dis dis- dis- dis solved by the same judge who found the man beat his wife on numerous occasions and for the thelast thelast thelast last three months has contributed nothing toward her support Clarence C Chester lx h e est 5 t e r Peterson caused his wife mental anguish by cursing her telling her he did not love her and accusing her of keeping company with other men Judge Clarence E. E Baker Baer I ruled when he granted Alice Bacon Peterson a divorce A divorce received by Marie Montez cited that Montez deserted and failed to support her according to Judge Faust |