Show Utilities Record Use Increase An increase in the use of public utilities is shown by the 1942 show annual annual an an- annual nual reports of Utah Power and Light company and Utah Light and Traction com pay the public service commission said Satur Satur- day Operating revenues of U UL L T in 1942 were which is an increase of over 1941 Company revenues derived from street car cr and bus operations in Salt Lake City were 1866 an increase of over the previous year These revenues revenues revenues rev rev- represent passengers passengers passengers gers hauled in 1942 and in 1941 it was indicated in the report Figures for items in the U UP P L 1912 report and comparisons with figures of the previous year areas areas are areas as follows Operating expenses increase of depreciation increase of taxes taxes' increase of total operating revenue deductions increase of 1551 Net operating revenue decrease of Income income in income in- in come deductions including interest on debt decrease of net income 1769 decrease of dividends same sae as s previous previous pre pre- year and earned surplus at end of year decrease of |