Show Youve You've Got the Money L LISTEN T 1ST ISTEN Mr lIre and Mrs Utahn Take that cash that's burning a hole in your pockets and put it into war bonds Youve You've dug up some of it already in the current war loan drive more drive more than a lot of people expected Youve You've done well But you youcan youcan youcan can can do still better There are a good many more millions lying around that you can put into bonds Utah as a whole can be proud of the out- out job it has done so far in the drive drive drive- proud of the men who directed the drive and put ut it well over the top James E. E Hogle Charles R. R Mabey and Clarence Bamberger But were we're not through with the drive yet Because we are over ocr the top doesn't t mean we should quit trying tring to put the drive still further over the he top And the secret to putting it way o over is in that cash which is burning holes in the pockets of Mr and Mrs A Average Average Aver Aver- vcr vcr- age Utahn That's the cash which is needed to make Utah's war var loan drive an outstanding success To date the banks the corporations and the larger investors have all done their share share but but Mr and Mrs Average Utahn still haven't dug up all they can of the cash in their wallets and pocketbooks and sugar bowls and bureau drawers And it isn't int as if there w wasn't plenty of such cash in the possession of the people You may not have it Your neighbor may not have it But somebody's got it and it-and and it it it- isn't the banks or the people of wealth because they couldn't possibly have all the cash that thatIs thatis thatis is floating around loose these da days Its It's the average man nd his wife who have it And they have a tremendous amount of it The government reports currency in cir- cir culion today not including money in the U. U S. S treasury or in Federal Reserve banks amounts to more than 16 billions You can get an idea of how tremendous that is when you compare it with the 5 billions in circulation circulation circulation tion during the thea boom year of 1929 There is ismore ismore more than three times as much m money ney floating around the country in hi the pockets of the people in their private money caches and to toa toa toa a relatively small extent in bank vaults There isn't very much of it in bank vaults either Banks dont don't keep any more currency on hand than they have to because it doesn't draw any interest One Salt Lake City bank for instance has less than 1 per cent of its deposits deposits deposits de de- de- de posits in currency in the bank If that r ratio tio were were maintained for the nation as a whole it it would mean less than one billion dollars of currency In the banks So the banks haven't got it People of wealth arent aren't hoarding it Its It's you you Mr and Mrs John Doe Doc Average AI American that has it close close to 16 billions of it More than three times as much as we had in the flush da days s of That's the money Uncle Sam wants He wants you ou to take it out of your pocket and lend it to him so he can buy planes and ships and tanks and guns with it Come on Mr and Mrs Utahn Youre You're flush Youve You've got the money The figures prove that So dig down and lend it to your Uncle Unel Sam |