Show Derby i Day May Fool The Bettors By Lawton Carver International News Sports Editor NEW YORI YORK April 24 A 24 A week from today Count Fleet will prove that he is another miracle horse and just about bust all the winter winter winter win win- ter books or he will be living breathing four footed proof that people who establish sure things in sports would be better off saving saving saying sav say ing their pennies if any and I thinking of their blood pressure If he blows the Kentucky Derby the screams of anguish will be bea a terrible i thing to hear t m Bi Bil v. v 5 LV Ht lr Dig ro- ro ru- ru m v. v thing 5 LV Ht hear lr Bi Bil Dig ro- ro ru- ru robust robUSt ruC bUSt b bodied azle-bodied men will tear o out ut their hair tuft by tuft and ri rip p up their 2 tickets in great spasms of frustration determined determined de de- de- de t never again to make a h horse orse bet especially bet especially on a cinch What makes a lorse orse or an athlete athlete ath ath- le lete te a cinch by the way Like yesterday afternoon a fellow fellow fel fel- fel- fel lo low w walked into the sports department department depart depart- m ment ent and pinning pinning- me against theall the w wall all with an knowing all-knowing stare s aid said Are you a horse-bettor horse N Not ot a Gambler Im a butcher bill payer a r rent payer a payer doctor-bill-payer a d payer dentist an income tax try- try t payer to-payer and a man with family o obligations I said That makes m me e out to be not a horse Dont be a sucker all your life s sucker he said Im giving you s something Go put all that rent m money oney and them other obligations o on n Five Eight in the last at J Jamaica Go ahead get that d dough ough on the line This is a cinch that will pay 20 to 1 a I-a a cinch He breezed out of the office a and nd on about his business or I m might ight with urging have followed h his is advice to get something for n nothing He was so sure about this one a tip right from the guy that k knew new the guy etc Casually I r picked up a paper I and a nd found today that O Five-O- E Eight ight stumbled on the first turn nearly early n unseated his rider and ran d dead ead last all the way N No o Sure Thing I guess the moral of this is that the surest thing is that sure things arent rent a That goes for Count Fleet a and nd all the rest not saying that Count Fleet wont won't win the derby mind you H He may and he probably probably a ably bly will but if that makes maltes him hima a cinch everybody who follows s sports ports should be a millionaire millionaire- e especially specially sports writers who are s supposed to be in the know Yet most of us know so little that we weare weare weare are in worse shape than Joe Blow down the block who doesn't know anything It was only last Saturday that Count Fleet was a dead certain sure thing in the Wood Memorial and won it but did it with a bleeding bleeding bleed bleed- i ing ng leg Had the flashing hoof of hit the Count mere inches higher or ounces harder a asure asure asure sure thing would have taken a good sound trouncing There is another thing about horses Very few people can understand understand un un- un- un what they are talking about and therefore it is virtually virtual virtual- ly impossible to tell when a horse feels good or is in no mood for running The Count likes to run has a champions champion's heart beart and speed but Derby day he may feel teel like loafing |