Show Women Urged To Aid War College high school and junior high school student delegates to toI I the annual wide state festival of the Utah State Home Economics association Saturday in Salt Lake City were urged by speakers to do something for the war Hundreds of girls from educational educational Institutions in Utah were counseled to do some type of patriotic patriotic patri patti otic service for your country during during dur dur- ing the vacation period by Myrtle Austin dean of women University of Utah who spoke at a high school section meeting in Barratt hall 60 North Main street streetS Vacation time is approaching and I hope you will do something to help the war effort she said i This is everybody's war High school girls have a problem now of deciding when they leave school I whether to get a defense job or take further training Newly elected officers who will take office at the beginning of the fall tall semester are Emma Hayes I president Provo Laura Owens I. I high school representative Layton Layton Layton Lay- Lay ton La Lao Lae Evans secretary Lehi Lehi Lei Le- Le i hi Shirley Bullock junior high school representative Provo and Fern Starr who was re reelected elected club I adviser I |