Show SERVICES ATTHETAB1NACLE Address by Elder B H Roberts on the R scand sc-and Fall of Nations Chone Shut are Tufting rise As Predicted Predict-ed by Italy life or flIoMorroun has DistinctlyAmerican rider Angus M Cannon president of the Slake Presided over the services at the Tabernacle Sunday afternoon May IS 193 Tho choir wing the hymn I Thou earth wa onco n glorious sphere Of noble magnitude Prayer waa offered by Elder A II Itnlclgh The chair further sang i May we who know the joyful sound Still practice what wo know Elder n II Iloberls addressed the congregaton The speaker commenced by referring to the Intensely Interesting times In which we arc living Tspeclal I ly said Elder Roberts had the making I of history been going on in these latter I I lat-ter times tile same being I much ac celerxtcd as time rolled on The I prophesies of ancient Apostles were swiftly being wrourl out time bring Inc forth events which were predicted by the servants ot the Lord who an I clently Inhabited J this I continent 1 tt Elder Iloberts read from the 30th I chapter of end Nephl nook of Mormon Mor-mon a few Prophetic passages con I earning thing which wenj to come tot pu to-t together with tho coming forth or the history ot tile Nephlts and the promulgation of the Gospel to the scattered need of the house of Israel The speaker pointed I out a number of Incidents that had taken place which tenued to show the Prophetic nature of the Hook of Mormon and referred to these OH circumstances show Inu that God Almighty had charge over the affairs and deetinlesof mn an nations In this connection Elder Roberts referred re-ferred to the charm of political power that had tAken place In 1 Jai an only a few years back showing that things were occurring exetly aa predicted and ukcn of by ancient prophets and ni ostles The si oakcr also called attn tlon to lie war between China and Jairme bn whtlhlcrb c a1glbtyonha Japan1L battle whIch brought hum lila Uon and defeat to the former despite Its vustriess and excdln great pop UllltiOIl HUIo1 demands or China were also cited together with the Interfer once or Ormny rranc and 1nglond all being characterize I as events tortell Ing the lownfall I of the great Chinese empire anT the general disruption of affairs in the East Eider Iloberts then referred to the present war between the United Slats and Spain wherein our country had obtained a foothold little expected a short title ago Tho probable annexa thin of the Hawaiian Isles to the United Unit-ed States was also spoken or all or these Paid the mpeaker auguring cleArly I the growth of the great West and the downfall of the far East In order or-der that Gods purposes might be eu ta111mbed In the earth and Ills wor badwI roll on uninterrupted by nicked and abominable generations It hd been dcreed by Gnd said the eaker that America would be a land or freedom a land or IIbrty land In which Truth could he established and righusness rule and reign In place or Wickedness and oppression The speaker IT1MIId the endeavor by the Litter day SaInts to be allowed repreacntttlon at the Worlds Parlla nient of Itcllglonn during the time of the Worlds Fair and cited the announcement an-nouncement made to those In charge that of all denominations upon the earth the Church of nol jeius Christ of I Latter day Saints shout be admitted because of Its being distinctively American I because it had Its birth on the American continent and because II stepped forth holding In Its hand a his tory of the American continent and home who people 1 It In past ages The movement to establish a monument monu-ment In memory t > f those vho Perished fn the battleship Maine was referred toy to-y I Ider Hot crt as was also the utter Inorln or the Mormon people l In takIng tak-Ing part In It The Mormon wr not ellowal li ped In such movements They had been cast aside by those posing as patriots despite the fact that MormonIsm Mormon-Ism was an Integral part of American Im and that Ito adherent sere equally equal-ly Patriotic I equally legal mith any or all other Peoples upon the face nr the enrth Mormonism wa nt a myth i nora nor-a It was a distinctively merl ran Institution founded by God the rather antI the affairs of the nation were tho affairs of the Mormon p lIt l-It JOY were their Joys Its sorrows their sorrows and all attempts to reak down or Infringe upon Its rights uere Insult to the Mormon peopl just as much Ir not more so as to any other lody of American citizens Concluding Elder llpUrts spok or the dealings or God wTiVYiis children lie gave them lawn unto which He ex pected obedience and upon the observance observ-ance of which certain blessings were predicated but If they would not ad her I to those laws the Lord would wipe thorn from off the face of the earth and a People would be rnlsel up who would recognize Him Tie purposes of God had to le established Th y would tllumlh In Spite 01 all Opposition and this In this said the speaker wo the true secret 10 tile rifle nnd fall ot nations TIle choir sang the anil emIly em-Ily Babjlona waves Ilenedlctlon was ronuonced by Presl fltnt Joseph P Smith |