Show IN Tim cisi or iijifinivir The Newi has been requested to tllie that nn Internotlonal tpmpmn congress will be held at Prohibition Pirk Htnten Island N V from July 1st to Cth Inclusive The object of the congress I set rorlh In 1 communlca lion dated Ilrookl 195 Washington Park May 2nd and signed by Alex rtOller fl lIacon tmporry chalrmn Aorollng to thl the Intention Is to cure Iln exchon ot Iw so that the lIfTerellt cln or temperne worker may become Ietter acquaint ed with the work and purpose of one another nnd to discuss plans for united I effort along such lines as tlia follow IngI 1 To prevail upon this 115000 phj Ieillno In the nallon to prcllb InS ulcohol ror IlIlernal use excopl IIB thej would prescribe other poisons 2 To bring tho lelldlng 11111 Insurnne comprtnl to acknowledg > ubllcly what they admit privately that total abstainers are at least twenty per cent safer risks than moderate drinkers and then to take the further logical step to grant these total abstainers the benefit or their abstemious habits In lower In surane 3 To urge upon the more than 300 universities and colleges ot America to protect their students by providing clean and antlllquor surroundings 4 To see that the millions ot children In the Sunday schools are systematically systematical-ly fortified against the drink habit b > moral and spiritual arguments as they arc now beginning to be l fortllled In the public schools by I h > Biological and hygienic arguments 5 To urge upon the 100000 clergymen In this country to preach systematical 1 len1 once n month on tmper ncCeTo tench the Industrial and ci merclal I classes to recognize th vital bearing of total abstinence 01 iiclr reo si ecthe Intereits 7 To agitate total abstinent as nand quallnrnllon or tnchers In our PUhllc and other schools as It Is I rapidly tie omlng 0 qllallltatlon r engine nnd others who handle comi llrated machinery machin-ery there belnt found nowhere more complicated workmanship than that of Ih Immortal bumrtn mind and barlR which ore placed within the training ol teache 8 To agitate for total abstinence the officers and men of tbe nrmy nn < 1 I navy who are placed not to defend simply a railroad train but n BOV ernment Also there Is I to be nn exchange ol Mews on BMch qu ° gtlons ns fermented rtnd IInrrmnt1 ommunlon wIne partisan and nonpartisan prohibition monmellt the bt ubstltute to oaloon Th communlatlon rurthr ay A corlIal Invltntloh to attend Is OT ten led to cr national and general oreanlzitli and enr local organla lion Including the church that Is I op Ied to tho liquor traffic and the drlnlt habitHich Hich local orranlzatlon will be en lIt1et to on presentatlic If Its mem ershlp be twenty or Itsn I and ror ery ddltlonal twenty mmber on nddl onnl representative oneh tnte orgnl atlon to ten reprm tllllve nnd each itlonal organlzatlo to 1OOnl rpre ninth c While none hUI dlegate wlll be entitled to vote on questions thot will com up beror the onre all persons Interisted l In tcmpernnco work will bo gladly welcomid All or ganlzotlon are rquetd to ppolnt Iegnte on the above basis at 1lI1y Irtte rt lroCllcrtl nn1 10 nour the retary ot oueh rtPIolnlmnlR It Is xppcted Ihllt opeelal rtange mellt will be mndo nlth toads vnrioul trunk IIn t-oads by which special IIIol1nto will IJ6 sicuml for passenger rote to New York nlo operlnl nile will be mole rar Tiotel accommod1atldne |