Show IMAItns Am TICKLED Close lie WY T 00 t the Spanln 01 Fleittolhi CnrlUmn as on Madrid army 15The Official Corre I pondncl I a Iubllh OR a note L an to Cu be i n affair vvVh Is uThconirrfenied which I I thhe p1gaer mueb commntd 11 a Upon Cub The note asserts that affairs In tI Ci t Ih ear a more reauMng < aspect e hu mJsslon of numrou In rurcent I Upd I and that the Sp aalh negotiation I with I I the principal LZIN fillUr nh ent leflit its success chiefs offer posslbllltlra I of ugh The M < Jrl1 preii and people its lifted pcoi nr oor the alleged on ta VI smartness ot JSJ cvem In sending Admiral to 11DrllniQue ThirtYsix hlrtj six hour rOD After cr the former w 8 WOR on his tord HAVann way lSn While ilS Pd that was pup to Villamil b 0 Wa scouting ahead AlUs really the Quadron rear IL C1Jnrd the Spaniards thus gaining In Taluable lime Senor Oullon In reply to a newspaper reprentalt ald I Ilan Americans I II Were total blalneilorthy 1 to r bombarding PithOut rngt Jn1 flat the giving me ticeand added government wouM address a < am a to per tho Powers on the au1JI Iq ill leferepeP I to the neech at fth Chnmborlaln rdrl tY the British core 0 11Ihm 01 state for th Colonies at Blr a tip d It onlrltlay nlhlSenor Julian Mo hAd real importance not only a it it efil d n but for the future at Europe 0 eclareI also Lbat a red book Would r1abl Torescrited to the por Til chaTnbcr on pit Ilooday next In which the gov RIV 1 IlIffectIve mnt declares the blockade of cub IG up that the and will express the hope Ill I a Ill Pnerx In Europe and Amerl Old 1 Th I refuse to recognize II alot 11 1 ChIdnt I lhDl l cmll this evening na 19tXa 300 hTnated Ill halfpast O A minister 1 Vt telared Interviewed 0 It the p Ituation I that atl Slam bridled nothingdennite had beOn 51 1 upon as to changes In the ireatJ Un let Pending 11 conference between teen t as regent and Senor Sagunto T 0 NVILL DO No GOOD l 0 4 a IRVIII May ISIt Lo Isletinablered l lit Irall1 that the lVaqhImgOn board of ban a difficult 51 solve on problem to I account ot the mysterious 16i qua4a t Of Admiral I Lervems i rush i tour revery alleged aIlW Which r i I B PIcoV ° iirded with the utmost pun a if mm Ill m M recognized that Brains i a W end tbg a t 80 that r herno I00 In the the tsc Prolonged war iviii be more arot and than iMft at Ilr6t expected A t rTi1 a 0 b > p vc that a dimculrmalter0 f Cuba mw |