Show rrcom rOil TIII WEER nl Central Shipped I 94 Can ot Rich OrA lhl hlend Coining During the week Just Passed tha Grand Central Tintlo shipped twen tNour cars of ore the Paine carrying wage values of 75 to 100 ounces all ler one half to one ounce In gold 10 to 20 per cent lend and n similar value I hi copper these assays giving the ore a value ot something like tl 000 to a rot twenty tons Inferring to this I record a w oil known J thtI nlalng man sold today that it was al Molt phenomenal The company raid he will ship fully fifty cars at ttl I ore durlns the month and you can put It down that between the first and tenth of June Its first dividend will be Declared the some It Is expected being In thum Ot 10 cents n hnM t IJO JttH hles doing this the companj rtll be enallel to put 125000 In the treasury and the probabilities are that rrfular monthly payments will contln Un atljht along Some time ongo the Grand Central lipped a h 1 > t of ore that went i5 Ouccen UOr JUgold 12 i > er cent lead lad 10 to IS per cent copper since stitch time these values have been con inning ttf demonstrating quite clearly omesteh qualltj or the company ore show UJMThe Grand Central la I truly a lIck fro > U Cap turned lion P T arnRworth has just re from Oada hero ho visited thi Scamps of AUsUn anvil lone no mnna 91 of the Austin I and ty Nevada Corn Pa Its I i At lone 4 ° stamps are novir I lttlnJr at r vigorously while t ho r COltpn Is Jmpered In Its its operation lInt ot men Austin s presents n ne of Ill great activity and tile AuUn unit mill are making 11brit n splendid In rthe ore tile bodies production and treatment I |