Show WILL CARRY THROUGH UTAH First Regiment Troops to Comd Over Rio Grande and Sunflower Soldiers Over U P Denver Colo May J5Th quarter rnastees department has notified the Rio Grand management that the contract con-tract for transporting the first regl merit to Man Francisco bad ben awarded t that company The Rio Grande In order to afford speedy and convenient movement tins arranged with the Colorado Midland road to carrY car-ry II Portion of the regIment to Grand Junction The Denver lie Grande will send out two trains and the Midland Mid-land will send an equal number The 1 eua contract specltlen that the equipment thrill be on the track at noon Tuesday Union Taclllo officiAls In Oils city have received notice that four special trains will arrive from Topeka Kansas Kan-sas hearing volunteers of the sunflower sun-flower Hale on their way to San Francisco Fran-cisco and the Itock Inland l rood will deliver de-liver to the Union Pacific at this pint a special train load of soldiers from Lincoln Neb No hour Is I given as the time of arrival but It Is Intimated that the trains will arrive tonight or tomorrow tomor-row The Union Iacltlo company will convey the soldiers to Ogden where the trains will be delivered to the Cn tral Pacific |