Show SPANISH FLEETS ACTION Belief that It Will I Keep Out of the Way of Battleships IHocIdulf nn the South leant of Cnba J < o tlfldonerl Conollarormed Spanish terser or Squadron Chicago May 10A special from Washington Pays It Is I belleed to be the plan of Ad MIMI Cetera to keep out or the way of the battleships and o turn his entire attention to tile cruisers and gunboats This he can perhaps do by reason of his superior speed Coast cities may be attacked In pursuance of this plan New York May 10The Evening Posts Key West special says The blockaders on tho south coast of Cuba have been warned that the SpanIsh Span-Ish squadron Is reported off Venezuela bound northward and to double their vigilance Powerful vessels which It Is I not necessary to name will bo ready to aid the ships stationed thero In resisting the progress of the enemy and there Is small chance that the Spanish will be able to enter Clenfuegos a fortified port desirable to them on account ft the largo coaling facilities and machine shops u uu L LieLl ur quam are orme about the course c the Spanish flotilla Madrid May lo 330 pm Admiral Camara the commander of tho Spanish reserve squadron at Cadiz has been recalled here to ccrer with the minis tern respecting his Intended operations The newspapers express fear that a sect AntrloAmrlcan alliance already existWASHINGTON WASHINGTON DISnCUEVU3 SPANIARDS Washington May 10Th navy department de-partment tikes with great allowance the report that the Spanish strategists have succeeded In sending a second squadron under Admiral Vlllamll to the West Indies and that It Is oil Mar Unique Even If the alleged Information did not bear the suspicious ear mark of a Madrid dan the department would not bo surprised to hear that Admiral Villamil as well as Admiral Carvers was with the Span 1st force In the Car rlbean sea The fact that the report came from Madrid satisfies ths offirl Ale here that this Is another Spanish ruse to center our attention Martinique while their ships have passed westward west-ward The report has It that Admiral Villamil has with him the cruisers CIs ncros Cataluna and Princess dc Anlurlaa It is I known however that Vlllamll Is not the admiral of i these ships and that at least one of them the Clsneros falon the other side of tho water It Is I added that Admiral Vlllamll Is a subordinate to Admiral Cervera whose particular duties are to command the torpedo des troyers attached to the first Spanish squadron He occupies the same atti tude that Commodore Watson does to Admiral Sampson The fact that the alleged report of the second squadron passed a Madrid censor Indicates the desire of the Span fall authorities to spread 1 abroad this mtsladlng conformation Its purpose It Is I believed Is I to Induce Admiral Sampson remain with his flat at or near Martinique In quest of the shadowy shad-owy second squadron so as to take him away from his pursuit of Admiral Cervera and the actual Spanish game already la sight I |