Show I J I 1 I PRODUCE I TUESDAYS TUESDAY'S QUOTATIONS I EJ Eggs price by the loo loose e dozen Grade doren-Grade Grade AA grade rado rade A large lare m medium grade B 11 large i i Butter Butter 93 Buler 93 93 score 92 score 90 score Cheese Mild Cheese Cheese ld Mild loaf mild mid longhorn 46 c. c mild mid triplets I CHICAGO Jan 15 tP UP UPS Produce Produce I Live poultry Market steady stead 25 trucks Cheese Single daisies 4 a pound longhorns 4 processed loaf lof 43 I 45 c Swiss grade gade A 54 5 B 51 C SOc Butter Buler pounds Market firmer dinner 93 score 76 4 c a pound 92 9 score 76 c 90 score 76 89 score 7 e carlots 90 score 76 6 c 89 score Eggs 1928 cases Market larke steady Extras Ex E tras 60 60 to A and over o 39 c ca a a dozen en mediums 60 to A and over ovel o f e standards 36 36 C current current cur cur- I rent receipts 34 3 s dirties checks j i NE NEW YORK Jan Jn 15 Produce lP-Produce UP Produce Potatoes Steady Stead Idaho Russets U. U S. S I No 0 1 I. lbs Ibs i I Dressed poultry Steady chickens 29 fowls Cowls 33 broilers 58 Long Island Iland ducks 31 35 e turkeys northwestern north north- i western wester young hens young youn toms I 40 00 tf 49 9 c. c rabbits 25 Live Lie poultry Irregular rabbis turkey ture henc hene toms I fowl 22 I j i Cheese Easier Laier single daisies daisie 44 1 Butter Buter pounds market unset unset- i tied ted creamery h than 92 score 79 S I creamery 92 score I Eggs 2578 cases market unsettled I I |